Running (edited)

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Opens with Adele- Rolling in the Deep song

The birds were pretty quiet today. It's a shame. I wanted to hear them at least one more time before I go. I raced through the woods at full speed, my paws pounded against the off white snow at sickening thuds. I dodge branch after branch like I was in an obstacle course. Abruptly stopping, I parting my mouth and sucking in the frostbite air. Aunt Mae would be furious with, but I just had to take one more run through the woods, my woods. I caught sight of a deer and began chasing it until the cold winter air enveloped my snow white fur and made my lungs sting. I just knew was going to miss this. Then I lost the deer.

Searching from left to right, I saw the deer come back into view and I starting chasing it again. It was so fast but I knew I was faster. This deer would be in my grasp in no time. I speed up as I got closer to it then I pounced. I landed on top of it waiting, rolling off to a halt waiting for its next reaction. It kicked and just barely missed my abdomen. I thought about eating it to pay it back for the cheap shot but I didn't. For some reason, I didn't want my last memories of the woods to be of me viciously killing another creature, so I let it go.

After a few hours of mindlessly running through the woods, I shifted back. My long blonde hair billowed behind me. Now I knew I could go. I walked back home and glanced at the Uhaul truck in the driveway. It's only a matter of hours now. I jogged up to the brick porch and slipped through the faded white screen door, listening to the familiar creaking as it closed shut.

"Wren, where have you been? I've been waiting for hours. I needed you help to finish packing the rest of the boxes," Aunt Mae badgered. I pulled off my black gloves and wiped my feet on the worn-out welcome mat. Not all of the snow came off but I didn't care anymore.

"I know, sorry Aunt Mae," I kissed her increasingly furrowed forehead. "I just wanted to take one more run before I go. I'm going to miss it here. I hate that we have to keep moving."

"Well, since you're here, you can help me now," she handed me some bubble wrapped plates and pointed to a box behind me. "We need to be on the road by two. And Wren, please take off those boot before you track snow all over the house."

I sighed loudly, "Why does it even matter now, were leaving. This isn't going to be our problem anymore," I said while taking off my black leather boots and continuing to pack up the plates.

"No arguing today. When you're done packing that box, put it in the Uhaul. Then I want you to start packing your own things on the truck. We have a long way to go."

"But why Colorado?" I asked, plucking at some string that dangled from my red sweater. "Why can't we just find another place here? This will be the sixth time we've move in the last seven months. I don't want to have to attend another new school in the middle of the semester. I'm always the new girl."

"Wren, you know that if I had it my way we'd never have to move again, but this is for your own protection. Your parents gave their lives to protect you so please, no more complaining. At least not until we actually get there, then you can go nuts all you want.

"Fine," I replied thinking of how much I knew I was going to hate this new place.



"The drive there seemed to last forever. Aunt Mae even dose off a few times behind the wheel of her red Sudan. I was surprised it could handle another moving. The tires screeched at every turn and the passenger door would open when you least expected it.

Everything seemed to be like our normal moving days but this time is different. I wish I knew what was in store for me here. I wish I knew then the things I know now. I wish I could change some of the things that happened. If I knew then, what I know now, I never would have gotten in that car.

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