I found you again

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I remember dreaming of thick black smoke. I was looking for Nick, but every time I called his name, he wouldn't answer. I knew that he didn't kill Nick, I would have felt it. There was no way he sent him home either. Everything kept going in and out. Something was preventing me from waking up. I thought about my parents. It's been a long time since I've really thought about them. Now that I found out that my father is still alive, I don't know what to do anymore. My entire pack was obliterated while he hid like a coward. I guess that's where I got that habit from.

All of the running I did was for nothing. I should have died with my pack. It would have been an honorable death.

“Wren,” something cold splashed on my face and I snapped up.

“Whoa there,” a strange voice said.

My eyes had to adjust to where I was. “Where am I?” I asked in a raspy voice. I clutched my throat, it felt so dry.

“Your in Galicia.”

“And where is Galicia?” I was looking directly into the bright blue eyes of a man who look no older than thirty.

His accent was heavy. “GaIicia is in Spain. I am Hugo by the way. Are you feeling better. You breathed in a lot of smoke. Your throat must already be dry because of all the Uergium.”

I was sitting on a cot with a blue blanket across me. I peel the blanket off and saw that the hem of my nightgown was scorched. The bottom of my feet were blackened and sore. “W-what happened. What am I doing here?”

“Well I just told you that you have inhaled a lot of smoke. We found you unconscious in the burning building.”

As Hugo kept talking, I remembered the fire and trying to find Nick. “Nick!” I jump off of the cot and tried to find a way out of the house. “Where is he? Where is Nick?”

“Oh, Nicholas, he is in the other room recuperating. If we did not receive his message, then we would have never found you guys. Too bad you almost got caught in the fire. I will get you something to eat and drink. Nicholas is in the room down the hall. He's probably a bit disoriented, but he should be awake now.”

I nodded and ran to the room down the hall. It was the only other room on the hall so it made searching a lot easier. I turned the door knob and pushed the door open. There he was on a bed in the middle of the room. He was just looking up at the ceiling.

“Nick,” I called. He sat up on the bed and looked at me, smiling.


I had an uncontrollable urge to run to him and never let him go. However, when I took a step forward, a little girl came out and stopped me. [1]“¿Qué crees que estás haciendo. Nicholas apenas se lesionó. Él tiene que sanar. Usted no lo va a poner en peligro de nuevo. Yo sé quién es usted.”

I could not understand a word she said, but it didn't sound pleasant. She kept on ranting until I finally said, “I don't understand you.”

“Nicholas is mines. All you do is get him hurt.” I understood that perfectly fine. This little girl couldn't be no older than ten. Of course I'm thinking that she has a little crush, but when I move to take another step towards Nick, she cuts me off again.

“Kari, enough, let her through,” Nick ordered. The little girl stepped aside and crossed her arms angrily. “Wren, this is Karina, Karina this is Wren. I want you to be nice to her Kari.”

“Fine, but I do not like her,” she said and walked out of the room.

“Sorry about Kari,” he held his hands our for me and I cuddled up next to him. “She hasn't gotten over her crush yet.”

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