Getting into something Reckless

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I quickly boarded the next bus and released a sigh of relief. This driver wasn’t as talkative and creepy as the last. I let out an exasperated sigh, and then look out the window. There he was again. The man with the trench coat was stalking me. My eyes never played tricks on me.

After fifteen minutes, the bus let me off. I was already and hour and a half late. I went to second period and I saw Nick.  I had forgotten that I had second period with him. I walked down the row hoping he would see me.

“Uh, Ms. Black,” Mr. Dawson, our Physics teacher calls. Nick lifts his head and looks directly at me. “You were tardy. Here, take your slip.”

“Ugh!” I walk up to his desk and took it.

On my way to my seat, I passed Nick. It was as if he refused to look at me again. That hurt a little. I took my seat in back and zoned out. It wasn’t that I wasn’t a good student, in fact I was a great student, but none of it seemed to matter. Nothing ever lasted.

I zoned back in once I heard the bell for lunch ring. I got out of my seat slowly waiting for Nick to go first. Once he left, I left. It was weird, I know, but I couldn’t face him or talk to him, not after what I did.

I walk down the hallway while trying to get to my locker. Third period would be starting in twenty minutes anyway. I couldn’t go to lunch, not with Nick and his friends. I got to my locker, and then took out my book for US History.

“Have you joined a pack yet?” Rider asked. I almost dropped my book. I thought he was dead. I thought that Nick and the others had killed him and his friends. “Hello,” he smirked as he waved his hand in my face.

“H-how are you still alive,” I said through gritted teeth as my eyes bulged out of their sockets. “How?!”

“You didn’t actually think that they’d kill us, did you? Oh,” he laughed, “you did.”

I balled my fist, ready to strike at any moment. He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye then placed a hand on my shoulder. I tilted my shoulder so he wasn’t touching me anymore. Disgusting bastard, I screamed in my head. I wanted so badly to spit in his face.

“Listen Wren, your new here so I’m going to give you fair warning. We own this town. Nobody ever tell us what to do or stops us. Your little friends got lucky. If we ever come across them again, we’ll kill them. Got it?!” he said through clenched teeth. I could tell he was waiting for an answer but I wasn’t giving him one. “Got it?!” he shouted making my flinch. That was all the reassurance he needed. He knew that he scared me.

“You will pay for what you tried to do to me,” I said while shaking. He made me uneasy. His smug smile made me want to bash his head in with my paws. Scum like him didn’t deserve to live.

“And what is it that I tried to do exactly?” he gave me a lopsided smile. “You’re really interesting, Wren. How can you be an Alpha but is So. Damn. Weak?” His voice echoed through my head. He was right. Alphas were strong. Me, I’m not worthy to have that title, but I would never admit that to him.

“Just what in the hell are you? You’re not Alpha. I thought you were but you reek of something lower,” I teased. His jaw clenched. “Maybe you’re an omega trying to prove himself to his Alpha. You’re pathetic. That guy Jay, he’s your Alpha, isn’t he?” I smirked. I must be right. He was as low as you could get. Omegas were known to be sneaky and to betray others to get in good with the Alpha. There was a reason they were Omegas.

“You don’t know shit about me, [1]Husdjur,” I stared at him in shock.

“What did you say to me?” I had to make sure I heard him correctly. He knew wolves’ native language? How? Not many American werewolves new it except the Elders. Did I miss something?

“You heard me. I really hate wolves like you. You supposedly have all this power but you don’t use it. Power is wasted on something like you,” his eyes grew darker. “Too bad you didn’t stick around the other day. You could have seen your friends running with their tails between their legs.”

“Your pack is nothing but a bunch of monsters. They prey on the weak. [2]Död i din pack,” I shouted at the top of my lung. This meant war. He can’t scare me that easily.I won't allow it. . However, I don’t know why my knees wouldn’t stop buckling. I stood my ground until he walked off without a word.

Then Nick walked up to me and grabbed my arm, “come on,” he pulled me forward. I was confused, but I didn’t protest. I couldn’t help but stare at him as we walked down the halls. Today he was wearing red skinny jeans, a black fitted shirt, and black combat boots. His dark hair was kind of spike and it gave it a punk look.

“Where are we going?” I continued to stare thinking about our night together. He had an unreadable expression on his face. I let my head drop to the ground. Maybe he’s still mad at me. I never wanted to hurt him, but I knew it would be better this way. I would only cause him and the people he care about, trouble. “Okay, you don’t say anything then.” As soon as I had said that I was jerked inside one of the janitor’s closet.

“Wren, there just some people you need to stay away from,” he looked at me with worry in his eyes. My breathing started to pick up when he made little circles in the palm of my hand. “Rider is a part of the Rytande Vatten pack, they're dangerous. When we fought them, we were quickly overpowered. We couldn’t do much than catch them off guard enough to get you away.

“What are you Nick?” I asked numbly.

“I’m—it doesn’t matter what I am. I just need you to know that there are more powerful people involved in things around here. You have to know your boundaries,” he looks at with pain in his eyes. I wonder what was making him look that way. Did something happen here?

“What are you, Nick?” I repeated.

“I’m a Bater,” he said. So Aunt Mae was right.

“My aunt told me about you. One of you almost chewed my dad’s hand off a long time ago. She said you were like these half wolf, half bird creatures,” I looked into his eyes for reassurance.

“Yeah something like that,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I can explain a little later but right now I just wanted to warn you." He attempted to leave the closet but I grabbed his sleeve.

“Please wait, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I dropped my gaze. “I-I like you. I really like you Nick.”

“Then why are you pushing me away? I thought we were having a good time and then you went all psycho on me.”

“Look, I’ve been run—I have been moving around my whole life. My life is chaotic and forever changing. I’ve never had a relationship, a real relationship. Until I met you I never thought it was possible for me. I just couldn’t see myself with anyone before I met you. I thought I was okay with that, but I’m not.”

He lifted my chin with index and middle finger so I was looking up at him. I could stare into his eyes forever. “I like you too Wren. You have to give me a chance. Learn to trust someone,” he said as his face lowered to mines.

He got so close that we were literally breathing in each other faces. Then his lips brushed across mines before fully staying on them. His tongue tap on my bottom lip for access and I let him in. I felt so many sparks go off that I almost jumped back. I didn’t want the kiss to end. But all good things come to an end. The last thing he did was suck on my bottom lip, urging me into a kissing frenzy.

“I-I will g-give it a try,” I found myself stuttering while staring at his lips. 

“Okay then,” he chuckled. “Shall we?” he opened the door and we left hand-in-hand.


[1] Husdjur means house animal, or pet

[2] Död i din pack means death in or to your pack

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