I Imprinted?!

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“Oh Wren, I forgot to mention that I have a younger brother too,” Nick whispered.

We walked up the steps together and Nick unlocked the door. Inside it smelled intoxicatingly delicious. I wondered what his parents were cooking and how long it would take for them to finish.

I looked around and inside it looked cozy and a lot bigger than my house. The walls were crème colored and the floor were hard-wood. There were lot of family pictures on the walls and that kind of made me a little jealous. I only have a few pictures of my parents and I never put them up because we never stay in one place for long. Maybe this will be the last place for us.

We started walking down the hall when a boy who looked to be about fourteen with curly brown hair and gray eyes, who I presumed to be his brother, cut us off. He had a big smile on his face as he scanned both of us curiously.

“Hi, I’m Ethan,” he held out his hand and I shook it. “So you’re the famous Wren he’s been talking about all week long,” he chuckled and Nick lightly punched him in the arm. “Ouch.”

“I do not!” Nick smiled.

“Oh really?” Ethan arched an eyebrow. “Then what was with your notebook and her name written all over it? What about when you talk to Lin on the phone and you brought up her name every five minutes?”

“Is dinner ready yet?” Nick tried to change the subject.

“Almost,” Ethan turned and walked away. “Nice meeting you Wren!” he waved as he walked away. I would have replied ‘you to’ if I got to stay anything.

“Don’t mind him, he’s an idiot,” Nick grabbed my shoulders from behind and led me into their dining room. The table was decorated with a white table cloth, a red rose centerpiece and fine china. I sat down next to Nick. My nerves were going haywire. What will his parents think of me? What if they ask me questions about my past? What if they ask me what happened to my parents or why I live with my aunt? These questions kept floating around in my head until a woman who looked to be in her late thirties entered the room.

“Hello,” the woman walked up to us, “I’m Adelina, Nick’s mother. You must be Wren,” she smiled and hugged me. It was a bit awkward since I was sitting down but comforting nonetheless. Two down, one to go.

“Nice to meet you to Mrs. Rivers,” I smiled when we finished hugging.

“Oh please, call me Adie,” she said a in a thick Spanish accent. I nodded and watched as she placed silverware on the table before leaving us alone.

“Your mom seems nice,” I whispered to Nick who I found was already looking at me.

“She is,” he agreed. “I’d worry more about my brother than my parents.”

“Duly noted,” I remarked.

Not too long after, the smell of food grew stronger. Mrs.—I mean Adie, Ethan and a man who looked almost like a God came into the dining room with food. Spaghetti, my favorite! Although the last spaghetti I’d eaten was from a TV dinner.

“Hey dad, this is Wren,” Nick introduced.

“Oh so your Wren, huh? Nick has told us a lot about you,” he chuckled and Nick blushed. I had no idea what he could have told them about me. We’ve only meet a few days ago. “He told us all about y—”

“Dad!” Nick interrupted.

“Anyways,” Adie shot them both a dangerous glare before placing the food on the table and sitting down, “I hope spaghetti’s okay.”

“I love spaghetti!” I blurted out.

There was a large plate of spaghetti, a large bowl of salad, and garlic bread placed on the table. Ethan sat on the other side of me and began to fix his place. Nick took mines and began scooping spaghetti and salad onto it. “I love my women with a little meat on their bones,” he whispered and I could feel warmth spreading throughout my cheeks.

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