No Remorse

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“Tell me Wren, are you still pure? Has that boyfriend of yours defiled you yet?” Damien looked at me curiosity and something else that I just couldn't quiet put my finger on.

I didn't know how to answer that. I didn't know if I should answer that. It was a personal question that was non of his business. No one could say he wasn't blunt.

“Has he or hasn't he?” Damien tapped his foot impatiently.

I swallowed then shook my head. I lost control of my vocal abilities.

“Good,” he gave me a menacing smile.

Minutes later I could heard the thudding of boots on the floor before Paul and Dash came into the room. Paul was smelling particularly roguish at the moment. It still baffles me how rouge always have that same urine smell to them.

“Yes sir?” they both had their chins raised like regal soldiers. I could see the fear in their eyes. Dash kept breathing deeply and Paul would stop clenching and opening his fist.

“Dash, Paul, Wren tells me that she's already involved with someone else,” he circled them like they were prey. “I though you were supposed to be watching her,” his voice grew dangerously low.

“Sir, we were watching her,” Paul said. “Sometimes—”

“Shut the hell up mutt. Didn't I tell you not to directly talk to me? I will not listen to your filth. You are to never address me directly,” Damien gave him a venomous look as Paul stepped back. Now Dash, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“It wasn't our fault. It was that Rider kid's. He was suppose to watch her. He was suppose to report back everything.”

“Rider?” I spoke in response to his name. “The same Rider that tried to rape me?”

“What?” Damien's head turned so fast that I thought it fall of. “What in the hell did you say?”

I hesitated before saying, “he tried to rape me. You had your flunkies watch me and they tried to assault me.”

“They tried to...” he didn't finish.

“I'm sorry sir. It'll never happen again,” Dash said.

“That nice of you Paul,” Damien said sarcastically, “but one of you have to pay, just as much as that Rider kid. Now it's only the question of which one of you will die today.”

“No!” I shouted before I realize what I was doing.

“Now, now, baby,” Damien said in a calm voice. “I have to handle these two first. Now, which one of you s it going to be?” he smirked.

Dash and Paul gave each other one quick look before they both said, “take him.”

“Sir I had nothing to do with this. Dash was suppose to be guarding the perimeter that day.”

“That's funny considering she didn't even say which day it was,” Damien glared at him. “Talk one more time and I'll have to do something really drastic. I told you not to talk to me directly.”

“Paul knew what was going on. He didn't care. Today he even threw her again a rock. She was bleeding by the time we got her back here. I wanted to come back here immediately, but he wanted to mess with her.”

“But sir...” Damien drew his hand up and back-slapped Paul. His lip started swelling and a little blood was seeping from the side of his mouth.

“Talk one more time. Test my patience.”

“I didn't want to make you wait any longer sir. I knew you'd been waiting a long time to be with Wren,” Dash said.

I could see Paul trying to say something but he couldn't. It wasn't right. He couldn't argue his side. He was going to be slaughtered.

I saw Damien pick up a shard of broken glass and looked at it curiously then in one foul swing, he slit Paul's throat.

Blood splash everywhere, some of it even splattered on my face before his body dropped to the floor with a sickening thud. I stood there lost for words, lost for...everything. The first thing that came to mind was that he would kill me if he wanted to. All I have to do is really piss him off and I'm next. This man didn't have any patience. I doubted that he had a heart. He was a monster.

Alright,” Damien wiped the shard with the hem of his t-shirt then folded it and slipped into his pocket like it was a memento.

I sat on the floor rocking on my knees. It was like time was going slower and so was my reaction. Nothing could make me not see this. He killed him like it was nothing. Paul's blood was splattered all over the couch and the floor. It always surprised me how much blood one person contained in their body.

Damien chuckled, “I told you to report everything to me Dash. I was not told that she was involved with another man. This is no good. I fear that you may have gotten attached to him. I will have to deal with this Nick of yours.”

Damien whispered something in Dash's ear before Dash picked up Paul's lifeless body and dragged it out of the room.

“No,” I shook my head. “He has nothing to do with this. He's innocent.”

“I cannot woo you if you've already fallen in love with someone else,” he shrugged. “I will kill him then we can have a fresh started.”

My heart pounded so fiercely in my chest that I thought it was going to burst through my cavity. He can't do that. No, not Nick. My head was spinning. I left because I wanted him safe and now I'm afraid that I'll get him killed.

“Please,” I croaked. I felt defeated. If he takes Nick, then he might as well kill me. I've already imprinted on him. I'll still feel the same pain he does.

“This is your new home Wren, I suggest you get comfortable,” Damien slammed the door behind him. Suddenly I was finding it hard to breath. I dropped to the floor hugging myself. This was affecting me way more than expected. The guy almost killed me. Why was I so upset about him?

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