Not Safe

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I limped across the lot without any specific destination or drive to do anything. Nick was gone, Marisol and Hugo abandoned me, and I was injured, practically a sitting duck. I would be surprised if Damien didn’t know where I was. I didn’t think I could do it anymore, the running. So many lives have been ruined because of me. I just wanted to be free and to be with Nick. I never thought wanting that would cost so much.

I limped until I found something to sit on. I let out an exasperated sigh looking back in the direction that Nick went in. I’m sure that he’s miles away by now. The only thing I wanted to do was cry. It seemed like that’s all I could do lately. I’m of no use to anyone.

I stood up, staggering as I began to walk. A few passerby caught my eye and then they left as quickly as I saw them. Something in my twisted mind believed they worked for Damien. I felt like he always had his eyes on me. I was never truly anywhere out of his reach.

“You don’t look like much,” a familiar voice said. I snapped my head around so fast that it hurt. “Why is everyone going nuts over you? I just don’t get it.”

It was a guy not much older than me with really dark hair and ample piercings. I took a few steps back, contemplating my next move and calculating his. “Who are you?” After I said that, I knew exactly who he was. He looked different but it was him. Now my confusion of everything since I got here worsened. “Lin?”

“Hello Wren. I’m surprised you even remember me. We’ve talked all of once,” he frowned.

“I don’t understand, what are you doing here?” I asked. He was right, we’ve barely said anything but ‘hello’. That’s why it’s so weird to see him here.

“Why do you ask questions if you already know the answer?” he looked agitated. “I don’t feel like fighting with you, so can you just come with me?”

“Where? Come with you where?” I clenched my jaw and balled my fist ready to fight.

“Damien doesn’t like that little stunt you pulled at his house. You cost him his home. The same home he made for the both of you,” Lin walked closer to me, catching me off guard. I quickly composed myself and stepped back.

“So how long have you been working for him,” I spat, utterly disgusted by his presence.

“My parents are his allies,” he shrugged. “It’s really not a question of when because I’ve always been his ally. I was born that way. Do you know how tiring it is to keep track of you? You’re so boring.”

“I’m so sorry I made it hard for you to spy on me?” I replied sarcastically. “So when I first came to school…”

“Yeah, I knew.”

“Then why didn’t you even speak more than two words to me?”

“Why would I make myself suspicious?” he cocked an eyebrow.

“But you’re a human,” I stated.


I looked at him intensely for a moment. He was not who I thought he was. I grew closer to all of Nick’s friends but never Lin. He was never around. I remember when Nick would make excuses for him not being around us, but now I know. “I’m not going back. I can’t. I don’t love him.”

“And who in the hell is talking about love? This is purely political. He wants what’s in your blood, not you.”

In any other circumstance, his words would have hurt, but instead they made me feel better. I knew Nick would be the only one for me once we imprinted. He’s the only one I could ever love and now I have no idea where he is.

“What about Nick, you were one of his best friends,” I replied.

“Nick and I grew up together, but I will always live to serve Damien,” he walked closer to me. We were staring face-to-face.

“How can you…” I was cut off when Lin pulled out a knife and held it to my throat. He had no emotions in his eyes. I could clearly see that I was just something to bring back to Damien.

“Please, no more talking. Let’s go,” he grabbed my arm pushing me forward.

“Where do you expect to take me?” I asked. “There’s no car.”

Lin didn’t speak. He just kept pushing me forward.

“Get off of me!” I blurted. I swung my arm back and elbowed him in the throat. Lin kneeled over coughing. I took the opportunity to put some distance between us. I limped in the opposite direction, looking back every few seconds to see if he got up.

I didn’t anticipate exactly how strong Lin could be. He’s thinner than me and have a smaller build but that didn’t mean anything when he punched me in the back, essentially hitting my spine. I toppled to the ground arching my back. I barely registered a foot coming towards my head until it collided with my face.

Pain didn’t describe the feeling. I thought it was over after that but it wasn’t. He was just getting started. He swung his leg back and kicked me in the face. I could taste. A part of  me kept of me saying that if I could just get up, I could bring him down.

“So how does that taste…” he asked, “your blood?”

My eyesight was getting blurry. I rolled onto my back as his leg hovered above me, waiting to stomp on me again. I held my hand up, sucking in as much air as I could. The sun blinded me as I waited for another hit but it didn’t come. Instead, I heard a hard snapping sound and Lin was knocked to the ground. Blood seeped through his shirt. He wasn’t moving. I tried to see who it was but black spots were spreading to the corners of my eyes and my body was urging me to pass out.

The person who took down Lin bent down to cuffed my face. “Wren.” 

“How are you here? Not safe.” I muttered then everything went dark.

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