Another Death

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I lift myself off the door about to go to my room when I smelled it. It was another wolf. His stench was hard to miss. It smelled of sweat and urine. Rogue. Dammit, why now? I've smelt worst but every rogues seemed to have stronger smells than most wolves. It's like their body can tell that they are killers, loners, and outcasts, much like me. I hadn't advanced to that level yet, but it's still something that I fear one day. I could hear rustling and I know that they are coming closer.

"Alright you got five minutes to get your ass out here or I'll bite your face off!" I shouted. Alpha or not I was scared, what else is new, but like an Alpha, I don't back down...ever. An Alpha without a pack is next to nothing. I don't know if I'm strong enough for what's to come. Believe me; there will be more to come now that they know where I am.

The intruder didn't say anything but that smell still lingered around my nose. He was definitely here. If he wanted to play hide and go seek, I was going to play. I only smelled one. I wasn't the strongest Alpha but I wasn't weak either. How dare this disgusting rogue enter my house? That is a big no no.

I prop myself against the wall and start gliding forward. The closer I got the more I smelled him. I was so putrid that I had to cover my nose. I heard movement as I got closer. He had to have smelled me unless his own stench was blocking my scent. That could definitely be a reason, I thought as I began to cough. This one was worse than the last.

I turn and I was face to face with red eyes. Just looking at them freaked me out. I back up and the intruder came into the light. He was around my height and his eyes were glowing red. How could that be? He smiled at his teeth were stained yellow. Definitely rogue. He came closer to me and I was able to see his face better. He looked to be in his late thirties. I could smell the musk and dirt radiating off of him.


"Never heard of a bath?" I continued to walk backwards. Yes, why not mess with your killer a little Wren? Well he did come to kill me so... The least I could do was make it as hard and annoying as possible.

"Well, I haven't really got around to it," he said in a deep raspy voice. I didn't expect him to actually talk. If he talked, he seemed more real. That was something I just didn't need. His eyes seemed permanently attached to mines. I wanted to look away but I just couldn't. I backed up even more.

I hit up against a table almost knocking it, and the vase it held over. Then I thought about the vase. I pick it up held it out defensively. I know it only a vase, but it's also glass. Then the rogue suddenly jolted forward.

I broke the vase and took a shard of glass. I jabbed it forward at the rogue but every time he dodged it. He then kicked the shards out my hand and kicked me in the chest. I flew backwards over the couch, hitting the floor with a loud thump.

Ignoring the shooting pain in my chest, I quickly rolled to my feet and charged at him. I threw punches and a few landed in his face but he wasn't budging. He grabbed a handful of my shirt and threw me over the kitchen counter top. My back took the worst of that. I feel over the sink then to the floor. Cuts and bruises laced my arms. I stood on shaky legs and scrimmage through the utensil drawer. I found a knife and watched as my attacker stalked towards me.

"Damien has been waiting for you. I'm not here to kill you" he said. Yeah right! "You really don't want to keep him waiting."

"Stay back!" I squealed as he got closer. "Come any closer and I'll kill you!"

"I can't do that, especially since you killed Chase. Damien will have my head if I don't bring you back," he walked even closer.

Chase. Who the hell is Chase? Then it came to me, the guy at Wal-Mart, the one that kept throwing me against the tree. "I didn't kill him, someone else did!" I croaked, my throat suddenly feeling very dry.

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