On Edge (edited)

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“Are you okay? You look a bit pale,” Brenda asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I swallowed. Maybe it was a bad idea to sit here. I didn’t want to draw too much attention. “I’m just hungry,” I started darting my eyes through the crowds of eating students.

“So where are you from?” Nick caught my attention. It was like whenever he spoke, I need to see the way his lips moved when he said them.

“Huh? Oh um, Maryland,” I lied. The less these people knew about me the better. Everyone is suspicious to me. Before the last rogue attack, I found out that I was in the same school as some of them, the same ones who were supposed to be chasing me. It’s like some sort of sick game to them. At any time they could have gotten me alone, but they just watched and tried to get close to me. Not again.

I began eating my food so I wouldn’t have to answer any questions. I gulped down my burger and fries then finished with my apple juice. “Well it was nice meeting you all, but I really have to go,” I quickly stood and walked away. “See ya,” I waved.

I then dumped my tray and headed out the cafeteria. As soon as I got outside, I saw Rider with his group of friends. I didn’t even see them leave the cafeteria. They were good...really good. I turned the other way and started walking.

“Hey Wren, wait up!” Rider ran up behind me. “Hold up. I thought you were going to sit with me at lunch? I waved you over,” he wrapped an around around my shoulders.

“Hey Rider, remember, no means no!” one of the boys from the group shouted from behind us.

“Shut up,” he retorted. “So like I was saying, I thought you were going to sit with me,” he turned his attention back to me.

“That’s funny, I don’t remember saying ‘yes’,” I said sarcastically before shoving his arm off of me.

“Ouch! That hurt a little.”

“I’m- I’m sorry, I’m just on edge today,” I stopped and turned to him, “hey, are there any other people here besides the wolves and humans?”

“Yeah, but I have no idea what they are. Some of the guys tried asking them, but they wouldn’t answer. Why?” he shrugged.

So it wasn’t just my imagination. I knew it was something different about them. They smelled sweet, too sweet, almost intoxicating. My danger radar was on full blast now, I need to get out of here, but I have two more classes. I just needed to calm down. No rogue would dare start something in school. At least I don't think they would. I jerked the handle of strapp of my backpack roughly. I’m so tired of being scare. The wolf in me was screaming to get out. I needed to change. I felt like to destroying something. There was a very strong urge to feel something  rip under my claws. 

“I thought this world only had human and wolves. I never consider a different species,” my eyes fell to the floor. I didn’t want to look at him. I was too distracted anyway.

“Oh, well, what are you doing later today?” he asked beaming.

“I have to go grocery shopping with my aunt then I have to finish unpacking,” it wasn’t a complete lie, but it also wasn’t the complete truth. I just needed to think.

“Oh so you’re really busy huh? Well, maybe next time.”

“Maybe,” I lied. There was no way in hell that I was doing anything with this guy. Today's my first day and he's acting like we've known each other for years. He smelled of danger and not in a good way. Something was off about the people in this school and I knew I needed to stay on alert.

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