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“Yes, I am,” he took a step closer and I found myself stumbling back. “I am so happy that I get to meet you Wren.”

“I wish I could say the same,” I took another step back and I was directly in front of the fireplace. Warmth spread across my back. I began hyperventilating. It was like I could feel his power. I closed my eyes then opened them before talking, “why did you do all of this?”

“All of what?” he took a step closer to me. You will have to be specific, I have done a lot of things in my life. I can't be expected to remember all of them.”

By now I was shaking from either sheer anger or being generally scared for my life. “My parents?” I whispered and my breathing became even more sporadic. I was on the verge of tears when I asked, “why did you have to kill my parents?”

“I didn't kill your parents love,” he said. He just seemed so calm—like he knew I would eventually ask that question. I wanted to believe him, mostly just to satisfy this sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't ready to take this road. I thought I had came into terms with my parents death. It's been almost a decade.

“If not you, then who?”

“My father,” he shrugged. “I cannot take the blame for something I haven't done love.” I hate the way he said 'love'. When that word came out of his mouth, it sounded so empty. He seems so void.

“W-what about my aunt's boyfriend?” I've never quite forgiven myself for his death. He died protecting me. Him and Aunt Mae could have had a happy life together. “Did you kill him?”

“I'm not sure,” he shrugged again. “If I did, please know that he was just a casualty of love. He stood in the way of us being together. No one would blame me for that, he got in the way.” I stopped shaking because I was being overpower by something more—anger.

“I blame you!” I shouted and started sobbing. “I cared about him. You had your flunkies kill him. Your family kill my entire pack!” I shouted louder as tears streamed down my face. “So don't tell me that he was just some casualty of love! He wasn't. He was like a father to me!”

“I'm sorry, did I upset you love?” He took a step forward. I was trapped. I could move back. He was so close to me now that I could finally see his face. “Mi amor, I did not want to upset you. I was merely trying to answer your questions.” He brought his hand up and moved a few strands of my hair behind my ear. I flinched. “That was never my intention.”

“Why am I here?” I knew why. I just wanted to here it from him. I wanted to here what was so important that he had to kill my entire pack and force me into running for the last decade. I wanted to know what was so important that I gave up my childhood and sense of safety for.

“Because I wanted you here,” he walked off and the lights flickered on. “I have been waiting for so long. I was tired of it. When I found out from one of my followers that you were hiding in some place called Colorado, I thought it was the perfect place. I already had members stationed there.”

“Have I ever really been hiding? Have you always known where I was?”

“Of course,” he walked over to a table and picked up an empty glass. “You and you're aunt are kind of like this glass Wren. I can see right through you. I know every move you make.”

“Yeah, that doesn't sound creepy at all,” I said sarcastically while wiping my tears with the back of my hand. “Why'd you send those rogues after me? They tried to kill me.”

He chuckled darkly, “they were never going to kill you. They were there for...persuasion I guess. You were always running away.”

“Because you were chasing me!”

“What did you expect me to do. That aunt of yours wouldn't let me within a five feet of you. I had to do something. How do you think I felt when you kept running from me?”

“I didn't even know about you until recently. Do you know how crazy you sound?”

“Love makes you psychotic. Didn't you know that?” he crushed the glass in his hand. Blood pooled down his arm and he licked it. Bile threaten to rise in my throat. He wasn't right. There were so many things that weren't right about him like this fascination with tasting his own blood. “All of this could have been avoided if they just gave you to me. I'm not a monster.”

Could have fooled me, I thought. “Please listen to me carefully,” my voice was shaky. “I. Hate. You. You have ruined my life. Because of you I have always lived in fear. I have killed people.”

“Killing is a natural part of life. You're an alpha and have that right,” he said.

I stood there with my mouth agape taking in everything he said. He sounded like a tyrant. People like him couldn't be reasoned with—not when he think that taking a life is an alpha's born right. I'm not a murderer, I'm a survivor—there's a difference.

“No it isn't,” I shook my head and cleared my throat. “I don't want this.”

“Don't want what?!” there was anger in his voice as he threw the broken glass against the wall. He turned to me and started licking his bleeding arm again.

My stomach started to cramp. “What ever this is. I want to go back home wear my aunt and my boyfriend is.”

“Boyfriend?” He looked up at me. “You have a boyfriend?” His eyes searched mines intensely. “How did I not know about this?” He strolled over to the door and opened it. “Collin!”

I could hear boots stomping outside the door, “yes sir?"

“Bring me Dash and Paul,” Damien ordered then slammed the door shut. The sound was so loud that it made me flinch. It seemed the pretty much everything this man does puts me on edge.

Running(unedited)Where stories live. Discover now