Chapter 4

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I woke up in a wooden bed inside a small, wooden room. A teenage girl, about the same age as the boy, was asleep on a chair nearby. She had long brown hair and tan skin. I sat up with a grimace. I noticed that I was only wearing my undergarments, but that didn't surprise me if they tended to me. It appeared as though they did. My arm wasn't dislocated anymore, and most of my cuts were gone. I still had the bad bruises, and they were as purple as an eggplant. I tested my temperature. It felt like I had just gotten over a fever. It was very likely I had a fever and never woke up during it.

I looked around for my belongings. Sunlight shone through the curtains, lighting up the room. I couldn't find my clothes or cloak, but I saw my bag, hat, belt, daggers, and jewelry on a table. I held back a sigh. These people would have to be idiots if they didn't think that there was something hidden about me.

I heard a creak at the door, and I pulled up the covers. A small girl walked in. She had blonde hair that reached her shoulders and bright green eyes. The boy was behind her. He had straight, dark brown hair that reached his ears. He studied me with grey eyes.

"You!" I pointed a hand at the girl. "You're the one who threw that stupid stone! How dare you?"

The person in the room already woke up. "Hello," she yawned. She had grey eyes like the boy.

I raised my head. "Where's the rest of my stuff?"

"My name's Sibyl," she continued. "The little girl is my sister, Rose, and that is my twin, Allen."

I closed my eyes. I still had no magic. When I opened them again, Allen was closer to me. "Do you want anything?" His voice was quiet, and he looked at me with curiosity. His eyes had a tint of blue. He was a little paler than his sister. It looked like he was a year or two older than me.

I blinked. He's different. I combed through my hair with my fingers. I realized that someone brushed it out. "I would like my stuff, obviously. I want to know how long it has been since Rose hit me, and is there a black cat anywhere near here? He's mine." I feverishly hoped that he was still the same. If I was without magic for too long, he would become a normal cat and most likely leave me with everything already forgotten.

Rose ran out. Allen sat on the bed, and I scooted away. "Rose will fetch your things," he started. "You've been unconscious for five days, and you had a fever three of those days. As for the cat, yes, there is a black one that hasn't been seen before. There is also a raven that hangs around the cat. Would that be another one of your pets?"

"They're companions," I snapped, "and I'm leaving with my companions as soon as I get changed!"

"Not in that state you aren't," Sibyl retorted. "Just look at yourself!"

I scowled and lied back down, staring at the ceiling. I hated to admit it, but she was right. I wasn't going anywhere.

I heard someone walk in. Rose. "Here's her stuff."

I sat back up. Rose was staring at me. "Why are your eyes red? Are you a witch?"

Sibyl gasped, but I motioned for Rose. She gave me my things, and I started to change into my clean clothes under the covers. I slid my legs over the edge of the bed once I was done. "First of all, yeah, I know I have strange eyes. I was born with red eyes, but at least they aren't as bright as blood. Secondly, you're pretty smart for your age. Yes, I am a witch. Any questions?"

Allen's eyes widened. "What do you mean you're a witch?"

I tried to stand up. Didn't work. "I meant exactly what I said. Don't think of the magic brooms and potions. Well, I can fly on a broom, and I do make potions, but we usually don't have warts." I made a face. "They're ugly. You'll never get anywhere with those."

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