Chapter 17

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Shadow was pawing at my face. I waved him away, but he kept pawing at me. It wasn't until I felt the prick of his claws did I get irritated enough to sit up and glare at him. "What?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "It's morning."

I looked around me. The sun was slowly making its way up, but it was definitely there. A yellow glow was casted on everything. Marak was still asleep, his breathing deep and slow. I rubbed my eyes. "So?"

"Are we going to get Sibyl or not?" Shadow asked.

"A little sassy this morning, I see," I sighed. "Yeah, just let me wake up properly first."

Shadow sat and wrapped his tail around his legs. "Allen wants to go."

"I'm surprised that he wants anything to do with me," I yawned.

His nose twitched. "Don't get a short temper today. I'm afraid of you two's health if you keep arguing with him."

I shrugged and studied the dew covered grass. The air was still cool from the night, and a light mist clung to the buildings. I didn't like the day very much, but there was some beauty in mornings.

I climbed to my feet and brushed myself off. I felt an emptiness on me though. I froze, and my heart skipped a beat. "Shadow," I said, "I never brought the vial with me."

I ran to the house, and Shadow followed after me. "Didn't you tell Rose not to touch it though?" he meowed.

I yelled over my shoulder, "I did, but she's a kid!" I rushed into the house and ran straight into the kitchen. I know I left the vial on the table. Be there! Please, just be there!

I slid into the kitchen, and Shadow ran into my legs. I looked at the table. It was gone. I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Allen asked. He was leaning against a counter. I saw him with the vial.

"What's wrong?" I gasped. "What's wrong? I left the vial in here, and when I went after it in a panic, it wasn't where I left it!" I walked over to him, wringing my hands. I eyed the glass bottle. "Good, the colour hasn't changed. It might work."

I saw him tense up. "Might?"

I shrugged. "Should. Probably. Most likely. Whatever words you like best."

"When do we go?" he asked, changing the subject.

I straightened my back and looked into his eyes. They were light. Hopeful. "Whenever you'd like," I responded.

He grinned. "All right. I'll take Rose to Annabel, and then we can go. Will Shadow and Dusk stay again?"

Shadow nodded. "Yeah, we'll just stay. I'll come with you and Rose." He looked up at me. "Good luck. And keep calm."

I crossed my arms. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Keep an eye on Rose."

"I know!" Shadow meowed as he walked out with Allen. Allen left the vial on the counter.

I picked up the vial and inspected it. It was the exact same colour as the day before. I opened it up and sniffed it. It smelled the same. It felt the same. Nothing seemed to have changed, but that didn't exactly mean anything.

A little over five minutes later, Allen returned. He carried a brush in his hand. Once he reached me, he held it out. "It's Sibyl's. Will it work?"

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