Chapter 15

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My body felt like the whole world was on top of me. I couldn't move at all, like before I blacked out. I couldn't even open my eyes. But I was warm. I was comfortable. I was ready to sleep some more. Maybe even sleep forever.

Yeah, that doesn't sound bad. I wouldn't mind that. It's nice here.

My mind started to drift off. Of course, it went to Mother. Lux made me think of her more than I would've liked. I missed her warmth. Her arms wrapped around me. How she always smelled like the most beautiful flowers. What did I smell like?

"Faeryn, it's time to wake up."

I shook my head. I wanted to sleep.

"Faeryn, you need to wake up."

"No," I murmured. I wanted the warmth to stay. I could smell her. I wanted her to stay. "Just a bit longer."

"Faeryn, wake up."

I frowned in my sleep. She never had that tone of voice. She never told me to do something in that manner.



"You must wake up!"

"Faeryn, wake up already!"

I shot up, but arms pulled me back down. My breathing was ragged, and sweat dripped off my forehead. My heartbeat was irregular. The smell was gone. And so was Mother.

I let the arms hold me. I was scared to know who it was, but I didn't care. I had to get my body under control. Whoever it was held me close and rubbed my arms. "You're all right. You're all right," the person whispered. That person sounded scared. Worried.

In a few minutes, my breathing was normal. My heart slowed down, and I was dry-ish. I was able to process my thoughts better.

"Lux," I croaked. My voice was hoarse and scratchy. "Lux, what happened?"

I felt his chin rest on my head. He hugged me even closer to him. "I don't know. You passed out when we were done. You almost died, but you woke up. I'm not sure why. As for whether you have magic or not, I'm not for certain, but there's signs of magic in you. How do you feel?"

"Was Mother here?" I asked.

"Faeryn, she's dead. Are you all right? What do you last remember?" His voice was filled with even more worry.

I lifted my hand up to his. It was so warm. I didn't realize how cold I was. But I was sweating. "Lux, I'm fine. I remember everything. The spell and what happened afterwards. I wasn't able to move. I'm exhausted, but I'm fine. I just thought I heard her voice and smelled her, that's all."

I felt Lux shake his head. "She wasn't here. How tired are you?"

I laughed. "I've never been so drained. I don't think I can even sit up."

"That's fine," Lux said. "You obviously need rest for a day or two."

"Mmm." I sniffed the air. "You always smell like male dragon blood."

Lux chuckled. "I never mean to. I just handle a lot of it."

I closed my eyes. I searched my head. I drowned out the rest of the world and focused on the world inside my mind. It was empty before, but I could feel a hum. It meant power. I concentrated on that power and made it come forward. It didn't want to obey me, but I forced it to listen. The swirling power was hard to command, but I made sure that I could.

I opened my eyes and sighed with relief. I felt tears sting my eyes. "It's there."

"What's there?"

"My magic!" I replied. "It's back, Lux!"

Lux tensed up. "Is it?" I nodded, and he relaxed immediately. "Faeryn, I left your wrist alone. It's bandaged and cleaned, but it's still open. Don't try to heal it until you have the strength, okay? But I do want you to heal it."
"Of course, it'll scar if I don't heal it," I said. "Hey, can I sleep?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be here."

I closed my eyes, staying in contact with my magic. I missed it. Even though I was physically drained, I felt powerful with my magic. I had control at last.

But I said something that I didn't really mean to say. I didn't even think it before I said it. I just said it. "Lux, why do you even care?"


I recovered for the next two days. Snow went to Allen to tell him I would be back soon. After waking up, I managed to heal my wrist. Lux was surprised at how fast I was recovering, but I had my magic back. My body was healing rapidly. I was pleasantly surprised myself.

I had to get back to Allen though. I needed to find Sibyl, and then I could get away from Lux. With the return of my magic, I was able to get back to my normal self. No more confusing thoughts about how I felt about people. I had no interest in Allen or Lux. I just wanted to go back to my own life with my familiars.

I mentioned going back the village pretty quickly. We were both outside. Shadow and Snow were somewhere inside. They spent most of their time together since they didn't usually spend time with other cats. I was lying down on my back, letting the sun warm me. Lux read a book next to me. I lazily looked over to him. "I need to go back and get Sibyl. I think I have enough magic now."

"Enough magic to do what?" Lux asked.

"Protect myself and make a potion," I answered. "Well? I need to head back."

Lux looked up from his book and studied me. "You're still pale."

"Aren't I always?"
"More than usual," Lux snapped, frowning.

I sat up and started to get frustrated. "I have to get back. Whatever Snow uses to get around, I want."

Lux stared at me, looking up and down my body. I still felt a little weak, but I was confident in my magic. I had complete control of it. I just needed to gain all of it back. To let it regenerate. But I had no time to have that happen. I needed to find Sibyl. As time went on, the chances of finding her alive, much less unharmed, lessened with each day.

I watched as he opened a pouch next to him. He tossed me a murky ball that looked like the one from before. "Fine. I expect you to be back. Either by yourself or some other girl. If you don't come back, I will get you."

I whistled to summon Shadow before grinning at Lux. "Don't worry. I'll be back."

Shadow soon came running with Snow. I picked him up and stood. Shadow looked up at me. "Are we going back?"

I nodded. "Yep, we need to get Sibyl." I smiled at Lux one last time before throwing the ball into my mouth and crushing it with my teeth.

The world turned black again. It turned into nothing. Absolutely nothing. I was nothing. But I could smell something still. That shouldn't be there. Flowers. I smelled flowers. It felt like someone else was there, but that was impossible. I wasn't even there.

Then a beat. And then another. I heard my heart, and the smell disappeared. And then I crashed.

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