Chapter 13

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Shadow led us to the kitchen. Snow was sitting up on a table. Her white fur drew so much attention to her. It was extremely easy to spot her no matter where you were. Unless it was winter. She looked towards us, her eyes glinting. Rose stood on her toes to reach Snow and stroke her fur. Snow didn't seem to notice.

"Faeryn," she purred warmly. "It's nice to see that you made it back in one piece. You, too, boy."

Allen barely bowed his head. I kept walking until the table stopped me from going any further. "Well?"

Snow licked a paw as Shadow jumped up on the table. "Well what?"

I scowled, but that only seemed to amuse her. "Can he help me or not?"

"Of course, he can," Snow said. "That was never the question. Just whether he could find it quickly and whether you can pay for it."

I narrowed my eyes. "We already discussed that," I replied, my voice low.

"I know that!" she meowed. "He found a spell that can get your magic back. It can undo the effects of any magic, potion or spell. It's just very dark magic. I told him that it wasn't your sort of thing, but he said you wouldn't care. As long as it got your magic back."

I bit my lip. Dark magic could involve multiple things. If I didn't know what went into the spell, I would be fine. That would be my only problem. Knowing what was required and then feeling guilty. I breathed in deeply. "Whatever works. If that's all he has, then we'll go with it."

Snow barely tilted her head to the side. "Oh, Faeryn, I was hoping you would say no. Unlike most witches, you knew not to cross certain lines."

I looked away from her. "I don't have much of a choice, Snow. You know that."

"Yes, I suppose I do," she replied quietly, looking down.

"Anyways, will he be ready today?"

"Today?" Snow repeated, shock evident in her voice. She looked up at me with wide eyes. "He just found the spell today! He still has to get all of the ingredients together, and he has to make the preparations."

I smirked. "Come on, can't be that hard."

Snow shook her head at me. "You know that dark magic takes its time. Too many things could go wrong. He won't risk messing up, especially around you."

"Then my presence should speed him up."

Snow stood up. She was getting irritated at me. "Your presence? You want to go there right now?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"
Snow sighed and jumped off the table. "Fine, whatever you want. Don't expect him to be happy, but I can't really stop you, Faeryn. It's no wonder you're in this mess in the first place. You're so hasty."

I grinned as I followed her, picking up Shadow and carrying him. Allen followed me. "I know you love me, Snow."

I heard her scoff, but she walked out of the house anyways. She headed towards the back of the house, where it was more hidden. No one could watch us there without any of us noticing. Snow sat down, facing me. I set Shadow down.

Snow pawed at a bag wrapped around her collar. It spilled two small, cloudy balls. "These will take us to his house immediately. I would rather not waste time walking through the Haunted Woods with you."

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