Chapter 19

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"You sure you don't want to come back with us?" Allen asked.

It was the next day. The sun shone about us, lighting everything up. I think I would've actually enjoyed it if I felt okay. Instead, I was grouchy and tired. I didn't really sleep during the night. I was too angry, and I didn't want to be asleep around Lux. I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, Allen, I'm sure."

He laid a hand on my shoulder. "Will we see you again?"

I shrugged. "Possibly. I don't know yet. We'll see."

Allen smiled sadly. "We'll come back if you don't."

"Good luck with that," I snorted. I sighed. "I'll try, okay?"

He brightened up. "All right, we'll be waiting." Allen hugged me. I stiffened up at first, but I hugged him back after a few seconds. I closed my eyes. "Faeryn, are you staying because you want to?"

I barely shook my head. "But I have to."

"You never did anything to make me hate you."

"I almost did, and that's why I'm staying. So that you don't," I mumbled.

Allen pulled away from me. He looked over me. "You look rough."

I laughed. "Yeah, I figured." I lightly nudged him. "You should go. Rose and Sibyl are waiting for you."

He turned around to see his sisters. They stood farther away from the house. Sibyl was squatting down to talk to Rose. Rose saw us looking and waved, and then Sibyl waved. I gave a small wave back.

Allen turned back to me. "I don't want to leave you here."

I grinned at him. "Thanks for the thought, but I don't have much of a choice. Bye, Allen."

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Bye, Fae."

I hugged him for a few seconds and before stepping back. "I'll see you again. I just don't know when."

Allen nodded. "I'll be expecting you."

I lightly punched his shoulder. "And Annabel is nice. You should try to be more than friends!"

He blushed. "Whatever. See you later!" Allen ran to his sisters in a hurry. I laughed and kept waving to them until they disappeared from my sight.

I let my hand fall to my side. Maybe I wouldn't ever see them again. Maybe I would. I wouldn't know for a while. I kind of wanted to see them. Living with them wouldn't be too bad, but I'd have to be careful about what I did with my magic. I could've had friends. I could've been kind of normal.

But I didn't know. The future was a foggy road at night. And all I had was a lantern running out of fuel to light my way. I shook my head. The sun made everything seem cheery. The woods didn't seem dark. I liked it even though I usually hated the sun. That day, it made the day seem hopeful, and my heart lifted after the heavy night.

I chuckled to myself and turned around to make my way back to the house. Lux stood outside the door, watching me. I breathed in deeply. I would make the best with what I had. First, I would find something else to light my lantern. Then I would make the fog disappear. And then I would find my own path. I would make it from scratch if I had to. I would make it out of all my troubles. I didn't care how. I knew I would make my own way.

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