Chapter 8

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Allen was sitting on the ground, petting Snow. She was more than happy with it. Lux had his hood back up.

I stretched. "We're going back."

Allen frowned at me. "It's getting dark."

"Do you want to go back or not?" I snapped. "The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get back. I'm worried about Shadow, and I'm certain you want to go back to your sisters."

He sighed and stood up. "I don't feel comfortable going through the Haunted Woods right now since it's so late. We can leave early in the morning."

Lux placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just stay here; it is getting late. I have spare rooms."

I frowned, but I didn't argue. I just shrugged and sat on a bench next to me. Lux shook his head and went inside the house, Snow following close behind him.

I rolled my eyes once Lux disappeared. I slid to the ground and crossed my legs. "Don't talk to me until I open my eyes." I made sure Allen nodded before I closed my eyes. I had to relax before I did anything else. The past few days were harsh to me, and I knew I would blow up soon if I didn't calm down.

After a few minutes of controlled breathing and stilled thoughts, I opened my eyes. Allen glanced at me, but he didn't say anything.

I leaned forward, setting my arms on my knees. "What are you thinking about?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, really. Just wondering how my sisters are doing. Everyone's probably asking where I went."

"We'll be back soon enough," I said. "Shadow's with them, so they'll be fine."

"He's a cat," Allen laughed. "I'm not sure how I feel about a cat watching over Sibyl and Rose."

I shrugged. "He's smarter than me sometimes. He did try to convince not to make that potion."

Allen tried to stifle further laughing, but he failed. "Maybe you should listen to the cat, Faeryn!"

I allowed myself to smile at Allen. It was nice to see him happy, and it was a little funny. Besides, I liked the way he said my name.

Allen soon calmed down. "I do hope that they're all okay."

A breeze blew by me, causing me to shiver. I jumped to my feet and looked around. I didn't see anything move as a result from the wind, and it was gone. I frowned. "Did you feel that?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. "What?"

"That breeze," I said quietly. "I felt a breeze come by, but I don't see it."

Allen shook his head slowly. "I didn't feel it."

My frowned deepened. I didn't know what that breeze meant if only I felt it, but I knew it couldn't be anything good. We should've left.


I crept into Allen's room. The curtains were closed, so the only light in the room was a sliver of sunlight on the floor. It was dawn, and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

I stayed low to the ground so that I could maneuver my weight as well as I could. I didn't want to wake him up right away.

I reached his bed and stood up. He was lying on his side, facing me. Allen looked so peaceful. His hair was messy, but not in a bad way. I didn't want to wake him up. I smiled. He's kind of cute.

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