Chapter 7

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It took us an hour to reach his house. With each passing moment in the wizard's company, I grew more and more curious. I didn't know his name, what he looked like, or what his house looked like. I didn't understand why it was so easy for me to trust him when I didn't know anything about him. The only things I knew at the time were that he was Mother's friend and was a wizard with one familiar, Snow.

Snow was chatty. She hopped around, talking to both Allen and me. She asked many questions. She was deeply saddened about my mother's death, but she wanted to know everything since we last met. Once I was done, she nodded thoughtfully.

"Sounds like you have had a tough time lately. Your mother's death must have hit you harder than anyone else."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't need to tell me. So, what has happened since I saw you last?"

Snow didn't look at me. "Nothing really. Time doesn't exist here."

I grinned dreamily. "It would be nice to not age."

Snow shook her head. "You wouldn't like it. You wouldn't change. The world moves on without you."

I raised a hand to my cheek. "I wouldn't age. Nothing could be better. In fact, I'd rather have that than an unlimited magic capacity."

"And why is that?" Allen asked. He didn't talk much since we walked into the trap.

Maybe he has realized what he is messing with now. Since I don't have my magic, he doesn't know what we can do. At this point, he knows. I giggled at him before turning to face him. We were still walking. "You should know, being a male. Nowadays, females can't do anything if they aren't persuasive." I stared at my boots as they disappeared behind my skirt and reappeared as I walked. "And being pretty makes it easier to persuade. Besides, who would want to hurt someone who looks like me?"
Allen was determined to make me see that I was wrong (and I wasn't). "Yes, and being a male, I also know that men will target you for that."

"Being pretty?" I raised my head all the way to attempt to see the sky, but the trees were too thick to see the sky. "I know that, but I'm young. I little too young for some. At any rate, that will change within a few years."

We continued in silence until the wizard stopped us. "If you take another step, you will be caught in another of my traps," he warned. "Give me a moment to disable the spells."

"How long will this take?" Allen whispered to me.

I shrugged. "No more than ten seconds."

Within seven seconds, the wizard motioned us forward. At first, I couldn't see the house, but I stepped through a magical wall. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath before stepping through. Once I was on the other side, I saw a glorious wooden house before me. Vines climbed the walls. Flowers and roses bloomed in all colors. The house itself was made of a dark wood and was two stories high.

I sighed. "I don't understand why I got stuck with a cottage that fell apart as soon as I didn't have magic to hold it up."

"You are welcome to stay as long as you want until you are able to support yourself," the wizard said.

I scowled. "I can do just fine now, thank you."

"Then you must enjoy the company of normal humans."

I clenched my fists. I never took insults lightly, but I had to ignore it. There wasn't much I could do.

"Is that really such a bad thing?" Allen stared at me, waiting for an answer.

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