We're Back! Pt:2

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~Yoshiki's POV~

After that "moment" we were back to awkward silences. Then, Shinozaki stopped in her tracks, I looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. I hugged her quickly, I felt her tears/snot on my jacket, but didn't care. "They're gone... How are we going to explain to the class? To their families? I miss them so much." She said, her voice was muffled in my jacket. "We'll figure it out together alright? Just have to stay strong like Miss Yui said okay?" I said a few tears streaming down my face.

~Ayumi's POV~

I felt tears fall on my head and looked up and saw Kishinuma's eyes glassy, "Kishinuma...Arigato." I said. (Arigato= Thank you). He nodded and said,"C'mon let's get you home." "Okay..." I mumbled. Sooner or later we got to my house I thanked him again and went inside, my mom was on the phone and my sister, Hinoe. was pacing back and forth. When they looked up and saw me, they immediately dropped everything and ran to me and hugged me. "Where have you been?" My mom asked. "Omigosh she's bleeding!!" Hinoe said running upstairs to get the first aid kit. My mom looked at me and hugged me again, "Where have you been for a week?" She said. I tried to explain everything but what they said next broke my world. "Wait who is Seiko?" My mom said. "And Morshige, Miss Yui, and Mayu?" Hinoe asked. There I broke down and started crying How can they not remember them? I talk about them everyday?! They hugged me again probably thinking I'm insane.

~Yoshiki's POV~

When I got home, my dad grabbed me by the collar and said, "Where were you, why are you all bloody?" He asked angerly. I ignored him and went upstairs. "Hey don't turn your back to me!" He ran up to me and dragged me downstairs and pinned me on the wall. "Just leave me alone man!" I yelled, I saw Miki, my younger sister, in the shadows in the hallway. Then I felt a fist come to my right eye, pretty sure it was a black eye now. "LEAVE NOW, I OFFICIALLY DISOWN YOU!!!" My dad who I never loved ever screamed. I ran to my room, grabbed my school bag stuffed almost all my clothes, photos of Miki, me ,and my mom, and ran out. Miki was standing in front of the door. "I'm not letting you leave." She said. "Miki, I'm going to miss you too, but for you and mom's safety I have to leave. I'll text you, If he ever does anything to you call 9-1-1 okay?" I said. She nodded and hugged me. I then ran and ran towards Satoshi's house.

~Satoshi's POV~

I heard the doorbell, I checked my clock "2AM"it read. "Ughhh." I got out of bed and headed towards the door. My parents were already at the door talking all I heard was "Yes... What happened... you can stay for as long as you need..." When the figure came in I first recognized the bleached hair, a tired and wounded Yoshiki. He was clutching his eye and ribs, "Dude, what happened?" I asked. "It's a long story" He said smirking.

~Yoshiki's POV~

Satoshi looked tired but turned surprised when he saw me. My vision was turning blurry, I started falling but, Satoshi caught me. Then everything went black.

~Satoshi's POV~

Yoshiki collapsed but I caught him. He already slipped into unconsciousness, I picked him up on my shoulders and walked to my room. Yuka stayed in my room since she was scared so we had two beds in my room, I put Yoshiki on my bed and pushed my way in on Yuka's bed, and fell asleep. I don't remember my nightmare I just remember being scared to death, I woke up with a yell. Yuka was awake looking at me. Yoshiki was still asleep I looked at the clock it read,"7AM" We leave at 8AM so I started to get up," Good morning, Yuka." I said. "Mornin' Onii Chan." She said back. She looked over to Yoshiki concerned. "Yoshiki-Chan told me what happened, last night. His dad didn't want him around anymore, his dad hurt him,Onii Chan." She said still looking at Yoshiki, "I know but we're going to take care of him right?" I said. "Right!" She exclaimed.

~Yoshiki's POV~

I woke up from the same nightmare I had before, I looked around. This is Satoshi's room... What happened yesterday?


"It's a long story." I said.


~End Flashback~

Oh yeah... I checked the clock it was 7:30AM. I got up, but needed to sit back down because my ribs hurt like hell. I winced and sat back down, I groaned I promised Shinozaki I would be at school. Satoshi came in, for a moment I swear I saw the corpse Satoshi in front of me. "Hey man-" Corpse Satoshi said but I didn't hear what he said after that. I blinked a few times then the corpse Satoshi was gone, just normal Satoshi... I looked around and got back to earth... "Uhh what did you say?" I asked clutching my head. The world was spinning, "Yoshiki, what's happening?" He asked. "I- I don't know..." I said. Then I clutched Satoshi's shoulder, and looked up at him, he looked at me worriedly. I realized I was hyperventilating, "Wo-woah..." I said somewhat laughing. "So what happened last night man?" He asked. I explained everything except the nightmares and hallucinations. "I'm sorry, Yoshiki... So, you think you can go to school?" He asked. "Yeah I'm sure I can..." I said hesitantly. "Okay, but if anything happens-" He said, I interrupted him, "I know come on..." I said, somewhat getting off the bed. I walked to the bathroom and took a real quick shower, everything hurt inside the shower, my head, my ribs, my legs everything! Well time to get to school!

To be continued...

Yeah! So hope you guys enjoyed it... Oki well, Bye!!!


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