Alternate Ending Part 1

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Hello! Yes I am alive! I am so sorry I haven't been updating  for any of my stories! Anyway here is an alternate way the ending can go in hope you enjoy! Refer back to the other ending if you don't remembered what happened!

In the morning

Yoshiki's POV

I slowly open my eyes to see the pale, white ceiling of a hospital room again. I place my hand on the table meaning to grab my phone but, feel a paper instead, I read it.

Dear Onii Chan,

I had to leave, but I talked to Ayumi and I see why you love her ;) anyway, I have to go before Dad gets on my case, Text me!


Miki... did she say anything about Yuu? I look at the note and place it next to Ayumi's old note on the table and I stand to look for my phone.

I look on the table, under the table, on the bed, but when I check under the bed I see a figure that had the girls' Kisaragi's Uniform, holding my phone. Then I black out.

Ayumi's POV

I walk into the classroom, Sensei was standing in the front of the room. I sit in my normal seat and look at the desk in front of me... who sits there again? I shake my head and look down at my phone to pass time before class. What's this random number that I called? Something is missing... Someone I cared for... I can't remember.

Time passes.


Mochida, Nakashima, and I sit in our table. Then...


"Come on Shinozaki, just one bite!" A blurry tall, figure, with blonde hair says, opening his blurry mouth in the seat in front of me.

"Kishinuma-Kun!" I say.

End Flashback

"Yoshiki!" I yell.

Mochida and Nakashima look at me confused.

"Mochida, I forgot who Yoshiki was, then I remembered and-" He looked at me confused and interrupted me.

"Shinozaki, don't you remember? Yoshiki died in Heavenly Host." Mochida says sadly.

"W-what?" I say.

"N-no he's definitely here, alive..." I say again, I stand up and walk out the school.

I will find you Yoshiki, I can feel spirits around here... I turn to an empty street with a grocery store.


"What's that?" Yoshiki who isn't as blurry says pointing at the Sachiko charm.

"It's a charm that will keep us all friends, for Mayu." I say smiling.

(Sorry if that's not the scene from Missing Footage)

End Flashback

I keep running no where exactly...

Yoshiki's POV

I wake up on the floor of the hospital room, What's going on? There's another person in the room on the bed.

"Oi this is my room." I say, he doesn't get up.

"Oi!" I yell, no response, the guy is awake reading a book.

I look at the sign on the door it says, "Mori Tachibana" Oh shit...

I run to school there's only one way to figure way to figure out what's happening.

I see Ayumi, Satoshi, and Nakashima sitting in the lunch room.

"Hey guys." I say.

Ayumi gets up saying, "N-no he's definitely here, alive..." and she runs right through me.

Yes through me...

I run after her, until I was stopped by some sort of force. I look to my side and see Seiko who looks perfectly fine...

"Shinohara..." I say.

"Look... I know what I'm about to say is crazy but we needed to contact you guys. We are in big trouble... Come with me." She says opening a portal and starts walking through it, I quickly follow.

To Be Continued...

Okay so this will either be a 2 or 3 parter... Hope you guys enjoyed! Anyway I'll update as soon as I can!


Aftermath; Corpse PartyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin