What's wrong with Kishinuma Kun?

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~Yoshiki's POV~

Satoshi, Yuka, and I walked to Yuka's school to drop her off first. "I can't wait to see all my friends again!" Yuka exclaimed. "I bet you are." Satoshi said smiling. I zoned out of the conversation after that.

~Satoshi's POV~

Yuka seemed more happy than she was last night. I looked over to Yoshiki, he seemed to be very deep in thought... We dropped Yuka off and went on our way towards Kisaragi. "Hey guys!" I heard Nakashima's voice. I turned to my right and there she was. "Hey..." I said. "Hey Kishinuma!" Naomi said. Yoshiki, I guess didn't hear the first time she said it so she said again, "HEY KISHINUMA!" "O-oh hey, Nakashima." Yoshiki said turning over here. She giggled, and said,"How did you guys sleep last night?" "Oh good until Y-" I got interrupted by Yoshiki, "Until Yuka woke him up..." Why didn't Yoshiki want me to tell Nakashima what happened last night? I looked at him but his eyes were dazed again. "O-okay, what about you Kishinuma?" Nakashima asked. "U-uh, oh we're already at Kisaragi Come on!" Kishinuma stuttered. What's up with him?

~Yoshiki's POV~

The girls already have enough going on, I shouldn't worry them even more by telling them... In the entrance we saw Shinozaki, bags under her eyes. "Kishinuma! Mochida! Nakashima!" She yelled. She said my name first what? We walked towards her but there was a flash, then they were their corpse selves again I stood there eyes widened not this again. Their corpses looked at me and said "Come on Kishi-num-a." But I couldn't I was frozen. I looked around behind me were, Suzumoto, Shinohara, Miss Yui, and Morishige. I was dizzy, I couldn't stand up. Then I was in class, wait what how did I end up here? The teacher was Miss Yui's corpse, and everyone were corpses also. "Kish-inum-a would y-ou like to re-ad this para-graph to the cla-ss?" Miss Yui's corpse asked. My legs moved on their own I couldn't say or do anything. I went to the front of the class with the book, everyone was still corpses. "I-uhh-uhh." I said but I couldn't tell what the page said on it. "It's all your fault, It's all your fault." The class chanted. They turned back to normal. I grabbed my head, it felt like my head was splitting. I ran out of the class up to the roof.

~Shinozaki's POV~

"Kishinuma! Mochida! Nakashima!" I yelled, I'm so happy they all came today. They all looked horrible, I wonder how I looked. "Hey Shinozaki." Mochida said. "How did you sleep?" Nakashima asked. "Not good nightmare after nightmare." I said. I looked over to Kishinuma his eyes were fogged up and dazed, he hasn't said one thing to me, he usually says SOMETHING, I didn't thing more of it and said, "Let's go to class shall we?" I didn't say anything about my mom and Hinoe not knowing who our friends and Miss Yui were because I was hoping someone in school would remember. "Miss Yui, Shinohara, Morishige, and Suzumoto, are not going to join us any more..." I mumbled to the other classmates in out class. "Who is that?" They asked. Oh no... " Our teacher is Sensei Tsubota" Nakashima collapsed on the ground crying Mochida crouched down to help her. Kishinuma just stood there still dazed, and I on the inside wanted to cry but, nothing came out. "GET TO YOUR SEATS I DON'T CARE IF YOU WERE GONE FOR ONE WEEK!" Sensei Tsubota said. We all squirmed into our seats. Yoshiki was in front of me, but I remember he would sit differently, with his arm holding his head from falling on the desk, and his legs would be on the metal bar underneath the desk or most of the time he would immediately fall asleep. But, his arms were on his desk, and his legs were on the ground. He was actually looking at what sensei was doing, but his eyes were still dazed. "Kishinuma would you read this paragraph to the class?" Sensei said. He stood and walked to the teacher's podium, he didn't walk "cooly" like he usually does he just walked. He looked around the class and looked down at the book, "I-uhh-uhh" He stuttered. He started breathing heavily and looked at the book, he looked around again, then he grabbed his head. And then he ran out. Satoshi, Nakashima, and I looked at each other and ran out in the direction Kishinuma did.

~Satoshi's POV~

Yoshiki looked paler than when I saw him this morning when he walked up to read. "I-uhh-uhh" Yoshiki stuttered. He started hyperventilating, I started to stand up, he looked around and ran out. We all looked at each other, and ran out the classroom. "I already know where he is..."I said. "Where?" Nakashima and Shinozaki said at the same time. "The Roof." I said.


It was lunch time, Kishinuma isn't our friend but, I never see him in the cafeteria. Today I intend to find out where he ends up at. I followed him, he went to the music room and talked to the music teacher for a bit. Kishinuma seemed more happy talking to him, than anyone else. He finally shook his hand and grabbed a guitar. I went out of the way of the door, Kishinuma raced out the door and screamed "Whoo!" Then ran up the steps to the roof. I followed, I quietly closed the door and stood where he couldn't see me. He strummed and strummed , then he surprised me by his singing.

"It is in you, to carry on

It is in you, to lay down fears that hold

It is in you, to find your way home

Daylight's coming, the sun is blazing

New beginnings seep into you
But in the end it's distant shadows
That finally overwhelm your senses
And this time around
Is it love that you crown?
And this time around
You'll be more than who you are."

(He sang "Peaches" By New Heights.)

He was REALLY good. He sighed, and looked out what was below the roof, and smiled. Then he got his backpack out and started eating his bento and started writing down something in a journal. He smirked, "Hey Mochida I know you're there." Shoot, how did he know? I got out of the shadows, he looked up, "You want to know where I've been all year during lunch, huh?"He said. "Y-yeah..." I mumbled. He smirked again, "Well if you're wondering what happened in the music room is, the music teacher let me rent a few instruments from the school,and you must be wondering why is Mr. Kishinuma interested in music? Isn't he just a delinquent?" Kishinuma asked sarcastically. "I don't-"I got interrupted. "Well, the answer to your question is well... I- I don't know..." He mumbled, scratching his head. "Well, I think you're really good..." I said. "Yeah right..." He said. "Well, maybe sometime you can sit in the cafeteria with us." I said. "Maybe... Maybe you can call me Yoshiki." He said smirking. "Really?!"I said excitedly. "Uh-uhh well, you can call me Satoshi..." I said. He smirked, "Okay captain Satoshi." I laughed.

~End Flashback~

We went up the steps and saw Yoshiki sitting down on the ground with his hands on his head, crying, I've never seen Yoshiki cry before. He was breathing heavily, we all crouched down. "Kishinuma - kun..." Shinozaki said. Yoshiki looked up, blinked a couple of times, and wiped his tears away. "I u-umm." He stuttered.

~Yoshiki's POV~

"I u-umm." I stuttered. Maybe it's time to tell them what happened... "When I went home... My dad did this to me..." I said pointing at my black eye. "I mean he's done worse than this..." I said. "He has?" Satoshi gasped. "Y-yeah... But they disowned me so I ran to Satoshi's house..." I said. My vision started getting blurry, I held my head again, my head felt like that hammer hit it again from Heavenly Host. "Aghhhh..." I groaned. "Kishinuma what is it?" Shinozaki asked. "M-my head..." I said still grabbing my head. Then everything went black... again.

To be continued....

OOOoooOooOooH what's gonna happen? Cliffhangers are the best when your the author. *Evil Laugh* anyway... See ya next time!!!!


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