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~Ayumi's POV~

   "M-my head..." Kishinuma stuttered and his eyes closed. "Oi Yoshiki" Satoshi said starting to shake him. I completely panicked and started hyperventilating,"I don't want anyone else to die." I repeated. Mochida rubbed my back and told Nakashima to go get the nurse. I didn't feel the same when Kishinuma hugged me... When Kishinuma hugged me I felt my heart flutter and butterflies in my stomach. When Mochida helped me I didn't feel anything. Why, am I feeling this way towards Kishinuma instead of Mochida? Do I like Kishinuma? No, no I definitely like him more than liking him, I love him. The nurse came and immediately took action. She crouched next to Kishinuma and checked his pulse. "Mochida help me carry him to the infirmary, quickly." She said. Mochida nodded and put Kishinuma's arm around his shoulders, the nurse did the same while going down stairs, towards the infirmary. 

~Satoshi's POV~

   When the nurse and I got Yoshiki on one of the beds she said,"Do you know if any of his parents are available?" "U-uh they disowned him so-" I got interrupted, "Well, does he live with any guardian?" She asked. "Yes ma'am with me and my parents." I said. "Okay, can you get them on the phone? This looks like Kishinuma will have to go to Sakura hospital"... I nodded. I quickly told my mom what was happening, and I said, "Okay she will meet us in the hospital." The nurse nodded checking Yoshiki's pulse, again. "The ambulance should be here soon, I will tell your teachers that you will be absent, they should let it slide." The nurse said quickly, we all nodded.  I sat next to the girls on the other bed, I put my hands on my head what will I do if Yoshiki is gone? I looked over to Nakashima and Shinozaki, they all had the same thought going through their head I bet. I looked over to Yoshiki he was pale as a white sheet of paper. Then we heard sirens, we rushed, got Yoshiki's arms on my shoulders and went outside.

~Ayumi's POV~

   Right when we got outside the ambulance workers took Kishinuma from Mochida and the nurse. They laid him on a stretcher and rolled him in the ambulance. "Come on guys!" Mochida said climbing in the ambulance. We followed and sat near the corner. They attached wires to him and muttered a few things to each other, for a second I saw Kishinuma's eyes open, but when I looked back they were closed. Sooner or later we arrived at the hospital. They rolled Kishinuma away without saying anything to us. Another nurse came up to us and said,"I will make sure your friend will be in the same room as you guys please, follow me." We nodded and followed the nurse through hallways and waiting rooms, finally in a room. Mochida typed something in his phone, probably texting his mom. I sat in a chair near Nakashima, maybe I should tell her, that I have feelings for Kishinuma, I don't have Mayu so, I should. I whispered,"I love Kishinuma..." She immediately turned towards me,"Finally, he's liked you since 2 years ago." She said happily. We kept talking about random stuff after that, Mochida later joined our conversations. Until the doctor came in, we all stood up Mochida quickly asked,"Will he be okay?" The doctor looked hesitant to tell us but said,"Kishinuma is in a severe condition, he has a severe concussion, broken ribs, and a fractured leg from a chain." I immediately remembered:


(I went with the manga version for this btw :3 )

   "Give me Suzumoto back!" I cried. Naho grabbed her head. "Naho-sensei?" I asked. "Ayumi" She said. "Yes?" Then she disappeared. I felt someone watching me and looked to my side and didn't see anything, then I felt like someone was behind me. It was a big guy with a hammer and a bag! I screamed and felt like it was the end, but he just stood there. He tossed the bag at me, it was really heavy I couldn't carry it I fell with the bag. The bag opened and an unconscious, bloody Kishinuma was in there, with a cut chain on his leg. "NO EVEN KISHINUMA IS DEAD!" I screamed. I thought I was going to be killed by the big guy in that room, but he left. "He left?" I asked no one particular. "Phew I'm safe."I said to myself. "Yup..."I heard Kishinuma's voice. I looked over and he was awake.I gasped,"Kishinuma you're alive?!" "Yup sorry I'm not dead yet." He stuttered. "Quit treating me like a dead person." He said trying to sit up. I hugged him, he was pretty shocked but eventually hugged back. I saw his head bleeding,"I'll try and stop the bleeding." I said. I put a handkerchief on his head,"So what happened to you?" I asked. "After we got separated,  that big guy hit me with that hammer of his and locked me up in a strange room. I woke up and he hit me again, then I ended up here." He said. After I was done he tried standing up, I helped him. "You were locked up?" I asked. "The chain is cut..." He said pointing at his ankle. "Why would he cut it? Well, at least your somewhat okay.." I said.

~End Flashback~

    He must've been tugging on the chain so hard it fractured his leg? I don't know... "So where is Kishinuma now?" I asked. "He will be here in an hour, we have to do surgery..." The doctor said leaving. We waited and waited and waited, until finally they rolled him in. 

~Yoshiki's POV~


   I was in heavenly host again, then to my left Shinozaki had dead fish eyes. "Shi-Shinozaki?" I say. She turns over to me,"It's your fault..."She said. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!" She yelled. I ran out the room she was following me, I turn to see the wall where Suzumoto died at I heard "It's your fault..." In Suzumoto's voice, they kept repeating it. I ran upstairs, Shinohara was in a stall and walked out and said,"It's your fault..." I kept running but they kept following me. I ran to a window, Morshige was climbing up the wall, saying the same thing. I ran and ran like no tomorrow, but fell through a big hole in the ground. Miss Yui, Satoshi, Nakashima, and Yuka grabbed my clothes and repeated the same things. I screamed, and grabbed my head. They started to grab my arms and legs, Yuki came up and had scissors. "No, No, NOOOO" I screamed she stabbed the scissors into my eye, I tried to scream but nothing came out. The everything went black...Again.

~End Nightmare~

    My eyes opened I was in an ambulance? I looked around, Nakashima, Shinozaki,and Satoshi were there sitting on some chairs, Shinozaki somewhat looked my way but when she turned to me I saw her corpse then they all turned and were their corpses. Then everything went black...Again.

~Ayumi's POV~

    The minute they rolled Yoshiki in I raced towards the stretcher. Yoshiki had bandages on his head and chest, he had a brace on his leg. Yes his shirt was off to see bandages... (OOooOOoOOHHhHHh) His eyes were closed, and he looked so cute! Okay so they rolled him in and we sat back down. My heart was racing,"When will he wake up?" I asked. "Soon" The doctor said. I scooted my chair near the bed and held his hand. The nurses went around us and connected a few wires to monitors. "I looked back at Mochida and Nakashima they were hugging and talking about something. I smiled and looked back at Kishinuma,"Please wake up soon." I whispered. A few minutes later a magical thing happened, Kishinuma's eyes flinched and opened.

To be Continued...

Have to stop it there! I'll see ya guys later. :3


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