Chap 2 cancer

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I haven't been righting because one I forgot to and second because I have multiple trails I want to go on so here is one...


Fellennas p.o.v

I then shrugged "well as apart of the deal I will tell you some things why people call me the freak". I paused not Sure where to start, so I began with my dream.

--- flash back ---- dreaming-----

My eyes were dry I had to blink I quickly shut my eyes and waited to be touched by the statue. I slowly opened my eyes nothing it was gone I looked down. I had moved, I was no longer in the kitchen. I was in the basement in front of my parents , who were cowering in the corner with their eyes shut ,crying. I walked over and hugged them closing my eyes but their was nothing there. They disappeared.  

I wanted to cry I covered my eyes wiping my tears away, when I opens them again I could see what I was.. It was a mirror and I was the angel... I was a statue. I blinked and I was me again but I was a six year old version of me. The version of me who killed my parents.  

I stopped looking at the mirror and turned around. Five angels were looking at me ... Smiling... So I smiled back...

---- reality--- normal time -----

--- fellennas p.o.v----

"I woke up the next morning and my parents told me to do my daily chores, while they when't to town, So I went and did my chores." I looked down. "I never saw them again. Some people said they left, some said they committed suicide, but most of them said they were kidnaped or killed."  

I got up and got myself some hot chocolate "you want some?". 


He took a minute to reply he shook his head to clear his thoughts "um ya yes please" I grabbed some mix and poured some hot water into two cups.

------ doctors p.o.v------------

"Do you want some?" 

I just couldn't figure her out. How does she know clara? does she know the same one as i do? how did she heal so fast from being hit by a car? what is she?From what she said her dream was I think her parents met the weeping angels... Wait did she just ask me a question? I shook my head  

"Um ya yes please." 

She gave me a big cup of hot chocolate. And took a big mouthful of her own, she held it in her mouth for a second before rapidly spitting it out all over the table. I jumped back to avoid the spray only to fall back over my chair getting my own very hot chocolate all over my head and face. I quickly stood up surprised. She had a gross face as she studied the container "uugg the best before date was 2002... Ugg"she looked up at me and giggled "you should see your face!" She looked past and her face went neutral almost a bit sad. She whispered " turn around" 

I quickly turned around and looked out the sliding door and standing on the deck was an angel smiling.... A sweet smile not like the ones iv seen but like an actual smile, one that hurts because you've been laughing for to long. And it freaked me out.  

I heard a whimper from behind, I slowly backed up and Tried to grab fellennas hand. Only to grab something cold and something rough I turned around and looked at her she now had stone eyes and... I looked down her cloths were grey and her hands were stone. I let go and backed up towards the door bumping into it the glass. Fellenna crept towards me with a very angry face. I jumped to the side and she jumped through the window lunging toward the opposite angel and grabbing angel 1 (full angel) by the throat and making it disappear. She then turned and looked at me. Her face relaxed and her normal grey eyes came back.

----fellennas p.o.v---------

My head was getting lighter like I just drank an energy drink... How am I out side? I turned and looked at the doctor then I looked at my door 

I walked toward the sliding (now shattered) glass door.  

"MY DOOR! What did you do...."I took a deep breath "TO MY DOOR!!!" I screeched. I was ticked, and he looked... Confused and... Scared? "What?" He walked over and grabbed my hand, he turned it over. I looked down at my hand, a grey spot was just disappearing. I shivered, "but ... I.. m-my dream. I-it's real." I sat on the grass and tucked my head between my knees and tried not to hyperventilate.  

I heard some crunching as the doctor walked back into the house.  

Nope to late. I un curled a slumped back on the grass as I passed out.

--------dream ---- fellennas p.o.v -------

I was running ... Running for something ... Running from something. My dream flickered and I was in a forest. It flickered again and I was on a plain. I turned and looked to see if it was still following. It was.

I was running... Running from life. Now I remembered. I had cancer, I was running from my early death.

I was running... Running from my own life, and running to the life I was not to have.

I looked behind me it was getting closer. I turned back, and tried to run faster. My legs gave in and I fell.

I felt a cold hand on my back, so I slowly turned to except death... It was white.. No gray. And it had wings... And a sweet smile ...It's an angel. It reached out a hand asking if I needed help. I grabbed its hand and everything went gray....

---------- doctors p.o.v -------

I stepped away from her and into the house. From there I watched her pass out, but frankly I wasn't going near her, not yet.

Those dam creatures took my friends away from me. I felt my eyes water a little bit so I blinked them away.

Amy and Rory were ripped from me and thrown into the past...

A tear fell down my cheek and fell from my face.

River. Amy and Rory's daughter and my wife... I see her from time to time, but that kills me to. because un like most people, I know when she dies, and in our time line that's very very soon.

I was loosing the people I love faster than ever. I pulled out a picture from my pocket.

Clara ... The only one I have left, and even then I will lose her to... Eventually. I look at fellenna... What's wrong with her? I get up and walk closer to her...

She was crying. Why was she crying? I walked up to her and belt down beside her head, I put my hands on her temple and closed my eyes I looked at her memories.

-------------------- a/n -------------

Ok guys tell me how it is I have a good idea for this but I want your people's opinion on this chapter so.




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