Mulan AU Part 1

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I just looked and it said that my story had 60 views! That might not seem like much to you but it is defiantly something to me! This story almost has more views then my other book and this one has only been out for a 2 weeks! THANK YOU!

I just started the Hero's of Olympus series and... IT IS AWESOME! Just saying...

The characters may seem OC. I will try to not to make it super OC but it probably won't work.

If you don't get the title this is a mini story based on Mulan and it will have more then 1 part. ANYWAY I will now start.


~*~ ScarlettFlower's POV ~*~

~*~Somewhere in the mountains of Fiore~*~

I was a cold clear night, a bit too peaceful for Natsu's taste.

"Oi, why do I need to stand guard anyway!" He yelled causing birds from the nearby area to scatter. Natsu began to walk along the bridge he was supposed to be guarding. Right then he heard a loud screech and millions of demons started to climb up the walls of the bridge.

"Oh no its the Black Army, I need to go get gramps and tell him whats happenin!'"Natsu started to run off in the direction of Fairy Tail palace when a group of demons started to attack.

One of the demons swung at him and Natsu ducked to avoid it. Then Natsu took one of the torches off the wall and threw it at the demons... setting the bridge on fire in the process. Natsu could hear his friend Gray's voice echoing in his head. "Now look what you did you stupid pyro!"  He ignored the fact that he could hear Gray's criticism from 100 miles away and instead continued with the fight. "Look now all of Fiore knows that your here." Natsu sneered.

"Well that's fine by me."

Natsu snapped his head towards the voice and was shocked by who walked out of the shadows. "Zerif!" Natsu spat.(Im sorry Zerif... I love you and think that you are very misunderstood, but you need to be evil for now.)


~*~ Magnolia Village ~*~

"ERZA GET UP YOU WILL BE LATE!" Lucy hollered into her best friends ear probably making the poor red head deaf.

"Yeah I'm up Lucy whats the big rush?"

"Whats the big rush?! You have a meeting with the match maker Mirajane Strauss today and we cannot be late!"

Mirajane Strauss was the town match maker. People came from all over Fiore to get her to pair them. Impressing her got you a higher chance of being matched; bringing great honour to your family. And being part of Erza's makeshift family you needed all the honour you could get.

Lucy lunged forward and grabbed Erza's ear pulling her out the door. After quite a bit of pulling they finally made it to the family shrine.

At that moment a small bluenette poked out from the back of the shrine. "Oh hey, Lucy, Erza lets get going!" Levy took the two girls by the hand and led them towards the small village centre.

The group of girls walked through the village centre trying to find a certain store. Once they found it they were rushed inside by one of the employees.

"How are you doing Juvia?" Lucy asked trying to start a conversation. "Juvias doing great Lucy! What can
Juvia do for you today?" Lucy and Levy reached backwards grabbed Erza's arms and flung her forward into a very cold bath. "We need you to make... That look presentable." Lucy said while pointing towards Erza. "WHAT, I will have you know Lucy that I am a person not a thing!"

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