A Fairy Good Game

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Ahhh, do you see that pun? No? Okay then. This is dedicated to the people who still read this. I don't really know what compelled you to read a one-shot book that I love but is barely updated. And this is updated more then most. And *drumroll* 300 VIEWS!! WHAT IS THIS!! I REMEMBER LIKE A WEEK AGO (this is not accurate) WHEN I HAD LIKE 20 VIEWS!! *cries* You are awesome!

I have been working on this for almost 2 weeks. Just to warn you, it's my longest one-shot that I have written.

Also go check out Chibi-taco she is like amazingly amazing. And when I bother her about updating she actually does it. Unlike me.

Anyway... (if you don't see the picture there) this is a one-shot based off one of my favourite chapters in the book Alice in Wonderland. It's where the Queen of Hearts and Alice have a very queer croquet match. I hope you enjoy some JERZA & NALU!


The small emerald oak door peeked open, and Lucy found herself in a very grand garden. The bright sun shone through white, mashed-potato clouds. It was quite a bit sunnier here than at the Hatter's infinite tea party, Lucy thought. The garden was filled to the brim with white roses. Small blue birds chirping filled the garden with pleasant clamour. It was quite a nice garden, indeed.

Lucy began to walk through the maze of rose bushes. Her feet beat a soft rhythm on the nicely trimmed grass. Her soft blonde hair flew in a warm breeze. She was almost to the end of the labyrinth like garden when she heard voices.

"HAPPY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" A shrill voice rang out causing a flock of birds to be disrupted.

"Aw Carla, I'm painting. Duh."

"Well you're doing it wrong, male cat."

"Sorry Carla. Do you want a fish?"

Lucy heard a loud slapping noise. "NO, you numbskull!"


As the voices died down Lucy decided it was safe for her to come out. After rounding the corner of one of the bushes she found the owners of the voices.

Near the end of the magnificent garden was a small bush. It had only 5 roses at most. And some of those 5 roses were dripping red paint.

At the base of the bush was two cats. One was white while the other was blue. In Lucy's opinion they were perfectly normal. Well maybe either then the fact that they were painting roses. But what do you expect in Wonderland.

"Um excuse me, but why are you painting roses?" The two cats stopped their bickering to stare at Lucy.

"Who are you?" They said in unison. Both of them looked quite scared. As if Lucy was going to punish them.

"I'm Lucy," Lucy said gently, trying to get the cats to stop cowering. It worked quite well actually and they stopped immediately. It worked so well actually, they completely ignored her and started painting again.

"May I join you?" Lucy looked towards the cats. They both silently nodded and handed her a paint brush.

Now for quite awhile the two cats and Lucy painted the bush. It was hard work. And the red paint always seemed to drip right off. So just being Lucy, Lucy needed to re-ask what they were doing all this work for.

"Why are we painting these roses?" Lucy asked again. The blue cat Happy said nothing but instead looked at Carla.

"You see Lucy this idiot here planted white rose bushes when they were supposed to be red. Now we're painting them red so we don't get executed."

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