The Music Store

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Jellal was a regular at the Crime Sorciere music store. He didn't really know why. It was a dark, dank, hole in the wall type of place. And the majority of its buyers were punk rock groupies. That meant that it didn't have much of a classical music sort of section.

But really in reality Jellal wasn't a huge fan of classical music. The only reason he had started listening to it was because of a friends request. The only reason he ever went to Crime Sorciere was, again, because of a friends request. So on almost any day of the week you could find Jellal scouring though the little selection of classical music because of a mere friends request.

The point that he kept coming back everyday though was a mystery. Why would someone who had already lived through a nightmare want to go back and do it again every day? Well you see on the first day he had gone there, because of his friends request, he fell in love with the cashier. She was a tall, dangerous looking, woman with bright scarlet hair and a even brighter smile. She had caused his heart to explode.

Now Jellal had a dilemma. He couldn't get Sho to request him to buy something everyday, and he sure didn't want to go back. But if he was able to see the dazzling cashier it might be worth it. So everyday with a bit of hesitance Jellal would walk to the music store and immediately crawl to the classical music selection. Oh, and another thing, the classical music selection had a wonderful view of the cashier. It was right behind a large bookcase with lots and lots of holes. And one of those holes opened up directly at the cashier. It was perfect. He could look upon her beautiful features everyday and she wouldn't need to know.

The only flaw in Jellal's plan was the money. Every time he visited the place he ended up buying a CD to take suspicion off of him. The hole in his pocket kept getting bigger and bigger but he refused to stop coming. He needed to see the cashier daily in order to feel satisfied with himself. So as the un-listened to CD pile grew higher and higher so did Jellal's debt.

Erza Scarlet was the cashier at Crime Sorciere music store. It was a pretty boring job and in all honesty she absolutely hated it. The only good part of her day was her mysterious client showing up.

What would happen was she would hear the doorbell ring and then the door open. For a moment she would see a faint flash of blue in the darkness before it disappeared. Yet it would always show up two minutes later behind the large bookshelf next to the classical section.

Erza didn't know why the client came to Crime Sorciere. It was a run down shop. It got non existent customers. And the classical music section was slim pickings. They probably placed maybe two orders a year on classical music and usually only about ten titles would actually make it on the shelves. So everyday the client would search through ten classical music albums, buy one, then come back the next day to look through the remaining nine.

Erza always looked forward to the man's visits. It was the highlight to her days. So to make sure the man kept coming, every once and awhile Erza would buy some classical music CD's from the store beside hers and place them in the small box. She wanted to get to know the man better and to get him to come back he needed music to search through.

After about three weeks she found herself studying classical music. She had always wanted to talk to the man and what was better then talking about something he loved. Everyday as he bought a new album she would mental add it to her check list of the music he liked. Then if the classical music section was getting low she would make sure to place in an extra Bach order just for him.

As months went by Erza was starting to question if she would ever talk to him. She began to wonder if they would ever get to know each other out of the silent conversations they had everyday. She began to worry that he would never let her speak to him. She began to worry that he would never except who she was. She desperately looked for a reason they would need to talk to one another. Then one day she found it.

A professional orchestra was playing in the area and her friend had bought tickets. The day before though her friend had fallen sick and given her the tickets even though she knew Erza hated classical music. Erza used this chance. Right as the man walked up to her with Choplin Waltz No. 10 in B minor her voice echoed across the spacious warehouse.

"Hey do you maybe want to go to a orchestra with me?"

The man stopped. Did she just talk to him? He wasn't quite sure as he had never heard her voice before. It was as beautiful as she was. "Excuse me?"

The woman looked straight at him and asked again. "Do you want to go to the orchestra with me?" Her eyes had a startling amount of determination in them. Jellal felt his heart burst. Not for the first time either.

Jellal gulped "I-I-I would love to...?" The cashier grinned. Then quickly she turned around and stalked to the back room. He just stared after her. The blue jeans she was wearing did wonders for her. After a minute she came back, hips swaying as she did so. And carefully, oh so carefully, she placed two tickets on the mouldy counter. Jellal picked one up. It read:

Fiore Orchestra preforming for the fist time live! At Crocus Theatre. Songs they will be playing include:

Jellal didn't dare look any further. His sinking heart told him enough. This beautiful, lovely cashier, thought he actually liked classical music. He wanted to go, so badly. But he couldn't live with himself if he did that. So Jellal told the cashier the truth.

"I actually hate classical music." Erza's head snapped up. Was this guy joking? "The only reason I ever showed up was cause a friend wanted me too." Erza felt very hurt, but she let him continue. "The truth is, I only actually come to this music store because you seem like a nice person. I really wanted to get to know you. Also..." Jellal paused. "Your probably the most attractive person I've ever met. The classical section has a great view."

Erza felt her face catch fire. No one had ever told her that before. Definitely not her ex-boyfriend Simon. She was very pleased this man came to the store only to admire her. But what to do about the orchestra tickets?

"Thank you for," Erza blushed again. "The very touching words. I'm Erza." She held out her hand. The man shook it.

"I'm Jellal. Nice to meet you." He smiled. It made him look 10 times more handsome then he already was. Erza couldn't help but fall a bit more in love.

"Well Jellal, I'm glad you shared your feelings with me. But, we have a slight problem. Jellal raised his eyebrow. "What are we to do with the tickets?"

Jellal just grinned and took out his phone. "I got a friend that could take them. The real question is if your up to the Twenty One Pilots concert tonight."

Erza inwardly squealed. "Of course, I'm all in."

Well that's done. Partially because Fairy_Tail_Maniac was so awesome and motivated me. I hope you like it!

Sorry if this one shot was a bit OC. I haven't really read fairy tail in awhile. (12 hours ago... Eileen is so savage. Just like: yeah nienhart, go kill my only relative. Yeah I know I won't tell anyone why I hate her just kill her.)

Anyway if anyone has any classical music suggestions that would be cool. Or any indie/rock suggestions that would be cool too. (Even though I practically live on indie/rock stations)

My dad is snoring really loudly. For awhile I thought someone was repairing their car. At midnight. I should probably go to sleep. I think I will. I'm not sure why I'm up this late anyway. Oh yeah, cause I was working on this. Never mind .

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