The Imaginative Never Ending Theory of Happiness

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The media is Ayano's Theory of Happiness. The actual story is based off of Mary's past or the vocaloid song Imagination Forest. Sorry if it's not that amazing.

Also Ryu_Welp00 I dedicate this to you for just being so amazingly inspiring.

240 views!!! I cry, I cry tears of joy!
Once upon a time there was a brave warrior who traveled the land defending the world from evil. She was as beautiful as she was courageous and captured the hearts of all her suitors. She was a skilled swordsman and fought many battles for her country.

Then one day the warrior fell in love with a handsome man with bright red hair. The two were a perfect match and always seemed to be together. After awhile the couple had a child and their lives were filled with endless joy.

The warrior began to ask herself, "How can I make it so that my family and I can live together forever in peace?" The warrior pondered the question over and over until she found her answer. Later that year the warrior and her family built a large cottage in the middle of the woods far from humanity. The cottage was magical and time moved much slower for its inhabitants then the outside world.

For a very long time the family lived in endless harmony. However the peace was soon broken when a group of children started a forest fire near the cottage. The warrior and her husband worked tirelessly to put out the blazing fire but failed. Now it was only their daughter that remained.

The child mourned her parents deaths but was still happy for she still had her own daughter. The two lived happily but did not dare leave the cottage in fear of what they would see. The child's daughter however had a great lust for the outside world and so she ran away.

Her mother feared greatly for her safety and came after her yelling to stop. The child however did not stop and ended up in the clutches of a madman. The man tortured the girl for what felt like an entirety and only let her go after her mother traded her life for hers. Now the small child was left .

The child was miserable and lived her life locked in the prison of the cottage. Well that was until a boy with bright blue hair came knocking upon the door. The girl was hesitant but eventually let the boy inside. Once let inside the boy thanked the girl greatly and let her know that he was being chased by the madman that had terrorized her before. The two immediately bonded and became best friends.

Many years past and the boy never left the girls side. One day the girl asked the boy if he ever missed his family. The boy responded My family doesn't really like me that much...and he quickly dropped the subject. The girl let curiosity overwhelm her and she left for the cottage to investigate. As she left for the boys original dwelling she was oblivious to the fact that time moved faster outside the cottage. When the girl got to the boys house she asked the inhabitants of they knew him. To her surprise the people had no idea who he was. Confused she asked the date and got an answer even stranger. So now even more confused she headed home and told the boy about her adventures.The boy was quick to figure out that the the two places seemed to have a difference in time and pointed it out. The girl agreed but became even more confused still. This caused a quarrel that forced the boy to leave the warmth of the cottage. The two silently fumed over the fight.

The girl was a angry a few days. The boy almost 7 years. By now the girl had become very lonely and whole heartedly hoped the boy would come back. Everyday she yearned he would break his many year silence. Then just as she was about to give up hope the boy returned. He apologized greatly to the girl for his absence and asked for her hand in marriage. Having several years to think it over. She immediately said yes and they were wed a week later. The couple had three lovely children and lived
~The End~

"Please mom, just one more story, please, just one more." The girl named Alex pleaded with her best puppy dog eyes.

Alex's mother smiled and gently tucked her daughter to bed. "Oh Alex, you know I would love to tell you more stories but you need sleep."

The girl Alex sighed but slowly felt herself get really drowsy. Her mother kissed her goodnight and quietly crept out of the room.

Once outside she was met by her husband who raised an eyebrow in questioning. She shrugged and gave him a peck before advancing further down the hall. She picked up a small book and sat down in front of a large bay window. As she gazed out of the small cottage she began to read...

Once upon a time there was a story that had reached its end...

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