Mulan AU Part 3

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Media: Fairy Tail Opening 21 Just Believe in Myself



~Nobody's Perspective~ (NOBODY IS BACK!)

The enchanted arrows rained down like shooting stars falling from the sky. As they pierced countless helmets and breastplates, the white snow descending upon them turned a bright crimson; the sky set a blaze. Jellal's men rushed for cover in the near caves, others fighting back in resistance. The peaceful valley was filled with agonizing screams and splashes of blood, no one was safe.

Zerif the leader of the demon army, sauntered over to the edge of the hellish chasm. He smirked with pride as he watched the Fairy Army being slaughtered one by one. Their faces were priceless in his opinion, with just the right amount of fear and pain. He was pleased with his work but still felt anxious. He couldn't stop jittering and longing took over while he bore his eyes away from the fighting.

The Fairy Army was drastically losing and the death toll kept racking up. One death after another, soldiers were being swatted at like gnats, and Zerif decided to join battle. The only people not in refuge were Eric and Jellal.

Jellal was fighting the demons openly where Eric snuck from behind. Of course, to the untrained eye Eric was just being an idiot. He wove his way through countless people determined to get a good shot. The bag that was fastened to his shoulder slid off into the crimson snow and rolled down a steep slope.

"No, damn it!" Eric lunged at his bag clasping onto thin air and landed in a fresh pile of powder. He no longer had any weapons but that wasn't going to stop him. He took off from his silhouette imprinted in the snow and tumbled towards Zerif.

Jellal watched Eric struggle towards Zerif. Being his friend Jellal didn't want Eric to waste his life and raced after him. "YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Eric didn't respond and continued to fend off attacks while getting closer to Zerif. "ANSWER ME! DO YOU WANT TO WASTE YOUR LIFE?!" Eric stumbled and landed face first in the crimson snow, and before Jellal reached him Zerif was already going head on head.

Eric felt a sharp pain in his side and the air around him reeked in blood. Zerif swung his sword again and Eric did a back bend to avoid it. He kicked his foot sideways and knocked the sword over the edge of the ledge they were on. "You missed," pain exploded through his body once more.

"Uhhg," Eric leaned over while blood drizzled from his mouth. Clutching his side Eric limped back up and raised a red firecracker. "Well might as well take you down with me." The firecracker exploded in a blast of fiery colour. 1-2-3. The snow piled on the mountain's summit plunged towards them. Zerif just stood in horror. Not a very good look if I say so myself.

Before the snowy chunks impaled Eric Jellal tackled him from the side. "WERE YOU JUST GOING TO WASTE YO-" In an almost comical manner Jellal realized he wasn't on solid ground and he began to plummet. He didn't get to far though as Eric was right there to help him.

The two stared into each others eyes for a moment then looked away. "Thanks for saving me back there..." Jellal mumbled to Eric wist scratching his head. "You were brave taking on all those guys." Jellal looked up towards the now starry night sky. "I wish I was that brave." Eric just smiled knowing he made another friend. Another person he betrayed. Eric's smile faded away as the world started to spin, round, and round, and round.

"Eric are you okay?" Jellal was concerned but Eric's conciseness was slipping from his grasp. "Eric are- oh my god..." A look of monstrosity came across Jellal's face. With the last bit of life Eric had he choked out. "Whats wron-" He was cut off when he saw the hole in his stomach. With that all the life fell from him and the world turned black.









Jellal was pacing back and forth in the chilly open air. Eric hadn't woken up in 4 days, and like everyday before, all Jellal did was worry. What would you do if it was your best friend?

The medic Wendy crawled from the tent positioned at the end of camp, far away from the little survivors. Wendy stumbled once out on the ice, but regained her composure quick. "You can go see her now," Jellal nodded furiously wanting very badly to see his friend, not paying attention to Wendy's words.

Jellal ran into the tent flipping open the door but stopped abruptly once inside. His eyes wandered over to where Eric was and instead of what he expected he saw an impostor. Eric wasn't there but in his place was a breath-taking girl. She had long scarlet hair that went to her hips and amazing curves. She was beautiful but she wasn't supposed to be here.

"Uhg," Jellal looked over to the girl and saw her wake up. When she leaned forward in the sheets he observed that they were stained with crimson fluid and a bandage was tightly wrapped around her abdomen. The same place Eric was stabbed. When she seemed to be fully conscience realization seemed to strike because she began to spin wildly around. When her eyes settled on Jellal he was met with the same strange eyes that had belonged to Eric.

All of a sudden she began to wobble around on the bed. Then just as she was loosing grip She fell out of the bed with a "BAM." She rubbed her head, her eyes still locked on Jellal.

"Who are you?" Jellal asked examining the girl. "I'm Eric," she replied bluntly. Jellal's eyes tore into hers with such fierceness she wanted to melt away. "No your not."

Jellal grabbed the girl by the back of the bandages that crossed her body, and dragged her across the tent. He lifted her into the air and slammed her head on a nearby wall, pinning her up. Before Jellal was able to do anything Wendy took on a look of horror. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIEND!"

She looked shocked for a millisecond but the look was quickly replaced with a smirk. "I'm your friend?" Jellal slammed her head again. "What did you do?!" He growled. Her eyes glazed over and he was pretty sure he over did it.

"Ow, I'm healing you know!" The girls eyes unglazed and she whacked Jellal on the head. "I didn't do anything but save everyone. Your thanks would be appreciated."

Jellal still didn't believe her, and instead dragged her by the bandages again. Wendy chased after Jellal screaming for him to stop. "LET GO OF ME!" She was wildly kicking around but because of her injuries they weren't all that powerful. By the time Jellal had dragged her outside of the tent she was out of breath.

Seeming to wait for her to catch up Jellal abruptly stopped in the middle of camp. Ignoring the many people pointing and gossiping Jellal flipped Erza onto her back. Pinning her down in front of the entire remaining army. He slowly drew out a chrome dagger from his back pocket. Then in a very dramatic manner he flipped the dagger around and placed it on her throat.


I realize I haven't updated in a while and I'm very sorry. But anyway just to be cruel I'm gonna leave you at this cliffhanger.

I'm also working on a few (or like 8) other one-shots at the moment so watch out!

I've been working on the older version of wattpad lately and it's so cool! Especially how you scroll through chapters! Have an awesome day/night!

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