Wait, That was You?

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HI! IM BACK! *Sees 500 notifications* Umm... oops? I left for a month and now I have no idea what's happening in my life. But from the twenty notifications I did see... THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL MY NEW FOLLOWERS! I hope we can all become really good friends! Honestly though, anyone is free to message me. Don't be a stranger.

And now that I am back from... somewhere(?) I really want to write, again. And I found a really awesome prompt on Tumblr. You could follow me on that but I actually don't post anything. So you will be very disappointed. But if you want you can message me and I'll give it to you. Anyway I found a really awesome prompt and I really wanted to try and write some NaLu fanfiction... again. BEWARE! I haven't read Fairy Tail in awhile so everyone could be really, extremely, out of character. But hopefully, that's not the case. You can carry on now.


Lucy had spent the last twenty minutes texting her best friends, via group chat. She wasn't getting anywhere. You would think that she had been direct enough with:

'what should I wear to my date tonight @ 4'.

Well, she was horribly mistaken. Even two hours later she was still getting notifications every ten seconds. Most of the messages along the lines of: 'who is this ? date?' to 'he needs to be a better kisser than Bora.' The latter, for your information, was from Cana. Lucy turned off her ringer. She was going to have the best date ever; and, no one was going to stop her. Not even her annoying roommate Natsu, who had left hours before her on, 'business.'

Lucy and Natsu had become roommates two years ago. Natsu needed someone to help pay the bills; and, Lucy desperately wanted company. It was a nice thought, at least. The next couple years went by in a blur of clothes smuggling, burning food, burning buildings, and lots of loud drunkards. By the end of it Nastu and Lucy were sworn enemies. Lucy ignored Natsu and he did the same to her. It even got so bad Lucy was convinced, for awhile, that she was no longer attracted to boys. Sorry, to 'men'. Well, anyway, Lucy wouldn't still be sane without 6^DragonSlayer^6.

He was incredible. He was heroic. His nighttime stories made her smile. He was like a hero from her novels. He lived in Spain. Which was very, very, far away from New York. But after many, many, late night text talks. Even more shared rants about roommate problems, and the news that he had moved to New York, Lucy became ecstatic. And now, two years later, she was finally meeting him face to face. It was perfect. Natsu had even told her weeks in advance that he wouldn't be in the dorm today. That made it ever so easy to accept when 6^DragonSlayer^6 texted her: 'Roommate is gone Sept 3rd. I told them to leave. Meet then? Cafe on 5th?'

Lucy squealed at the memory. She was finally meeting him. The man of her dreams. She was so wrapped up in thought, she didn't see Natsu through the cafe window.

Lucy felt a buzz in her pocket. She frowned. Probably just her friends. She decided to look anyway. Slowly she reached into her purse. All of her excitement drained out of her. A bold text stood out against all others. 'Abort! My roommate showed up! I think she said she had date here too. Can't let her see me! Might need to call it off.'  Lucy stared at the message for what felt like eternity. How come 6^DragonSlayer^6 's roommate always spoiled everything. It wasn't fair. How come they were the only ones with bad roommates. Here this girl was, ruining her date. Probably while she enjoyed her own. It just wasn't fair.

Out of her daze she texted back:

'No fair. Let's keep going. No one can ruin our fun!'

Lucy, now determined, stepped through the door. The cafe was a cute little store nestled between two apartment complexes. The walls were a dark gold with white crown molding. A slight smell of pumpkins waifed through the air. Dimmed lights gave off the feeling of being home at thanksgiving. It was roomy but familiar, filled to the brim with comforting smells. Lucy would have loved it.

It wasn't even a moment before horror  washed over her. Standing right in front of her was her own roommate. Natsu.


Natsu was slightly freaking out. His date hadn't shown up yet. Now his roommate was here! And on top of that she was walking closer to him. Things couldn't really be getting any worse. Except not even ten seconds later he got a text from Celestial*7. 'Srry can't stay. RM is HERE! WHERE ARE YOU!!'  Natsu's heart sank. Leave it to him to ruin his first ever date. He quickly responded back.

'Im at tble 56. Guy w pink hair.'

The minute he pressed send it was like time had been thrown into slow motion. He watched as his roommate, Lucy, reached for her phone. He watched how her face scrunched up. He watched how she looked up at him, confused. He just seemed to watch as she came closer and sat down in front of him. It was a dream. This was not reality. The girl he had fallen in love with, Celestial*7, she was not Lucy. She was someone completely different. This had to be a mistake. Right? But, as his phone showed a flashing message; he knew his luck was bled dry.

'You have pink hair? Just like my RM Natsu?'

Natsu looked up reluctantly. If he could fall in love with internet Lucy. He could fall in love with real life Lucy. He was determined to try.

"Hey, Lucy, Celestial*7? Am I right?"


Hey. Sorry if that sucked.  I didn't edit it. No editing for me today. Uh, school. I really hope that wasn't as confusing as I thought it was. I would love constructive criticism right now.

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