Chapter 1

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Hey guys!! Now my friend did help me with this story...
Yes that's le friends penname cx but yeah so if you notice a change in writing style which you probably wont
Just remember my friend helped meeee
Thanks! ~EmoPanda

~Aron's POV~
I was leaning against a building, smoking a cigarette, angered of what happened 2 weeks ago. 'How could they just fucking kick me out, cold-hearted bastards! And that...Fuxk-boy Danny. My replacement!? Who the fuxk does he think he is? Does he even know who he's fucking with!? But he's fucking cu-' His thoughts were interrupted when someone shouted towards me.

"Hey!!!" 'That sounds familiar.' I simply turned my head to the person "What do you want?" I harshly demanded in a question

"O-Oh well I saw you smoking through a lot of cigarettes, looking stressed...s-so I was wondering if you maybe wanna talk about it...?"

The smaller man smiled up at me. I sighed heavily. 'At least he's cute enough so I'll tell him'

"Hmm...fine. Recently I was kicked out of my band." I looked down at him, trying to see his expression, with the amount of light the moon and street lights were giving off. He seemed uneasy about something though.....and he wasn't going to tell me.

"Oh....that sucks..."
"So what's your name?"
'Daniel?? Murillo!?' "I'm Aron, but please call me Deuce. Anyways Daniel, you seem cute, may I see your phone~?" I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at him.
"Uh, yeah here!" He quickly slipped his phone out and handed it to me. He started whistling as he looked up to the dark starry sky. I just smiled and handed back his phone.
"In case you get bored~"

My smile faded into a smirk as I saw him blushing beneath that hat and hood. We stood in silence until he spoke up.
"I-I um I should go..." He turned around and began to walk away, but I couldn't let him go without something, so I pulled him back, then pushed him into the alleyway.

"W-Wha-" I swiftly cut him off, slamming my lips to his.
"W-Wait..." He pushed me away 'Oh're so goddamn stubborn at times~'
"What?!" I let out an unintended growl.

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