Chapter 10

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    Aron sat awake in his bed, thinking about the brown-haired man. He couldn't wrap his head around the situation from a few weeks ago. 'Dat boi be angry.' Yet... he seemed disconcerted.. and hurt? when Daniel stomped out.. and he felt happiness when the singer's eyes glinted with joy. 'That boy had so much joy over pancakes.'
    Sitting up, Aron sighed, and looked around the darkened room. Maybe he'd go out for a walk or something.. but that would mean he'd have to get up.
. . . .
whatever, not like he had anything else to do.
So, getting up, Aron quickly dressed and kicked his shoes on, then sighed. This was happening a lot now; staying up.
    Stretching, the man stepped outside and just walked aimlessly
. . . .
So it was about 42 minutes of walking when something happened. Aron stopped when he heard the cackles of 2 grown men, the cackles sounded familiar but he couldn't pinpoint exactly how or why, and the pleading of another. If it weren't for those oh so very familiar pleas, he would've just ignored it and moved on, but he was rather curious as to what was going on, and whose voice that was.
    Ducking into an alley, Aron walked around, and stared. The sight before him consisted of 3 figures.
One figure was on the ground, pleading. Another figure was kneeling, beating the figure curled up on the ground, and the last figure was standing, kicking the small, curled up ball. All three men seemed familiar, but that small ball was the most familiar ball of all balls.
    Aron watched as they stopped, and observed as the second man felt the smol bean up...
The poor cub began struggling and whimpering... those alone were hints and everything he should've known... they were so familiar. Staring, Aron let out a quiet huff. He was regrettably growing hard from this. It was all because of the way the tiny one whimpered, struggled, twitched... etc.
    "Please, no!!" Aron listened at that so familiar plea, feeling he should think of some names for the three instead of this and that, so he did just that.
'Stan, Jack and....' Aron froze as he stared at the smol bean. He KNEW who that was, and he was pissed. His little toy was laying there so helpless as Jack had his hand down the helpless cub's pants. Those dirty hands were probably sliding up and down his thighs.... the very thighs that had been declared and marked as HIS!
    Danny. Was. His. Property. And. His. Alone.
    He growled, and stomped up, yanking Stan out the way, and kicked Jack straight up in the face. Well... his mask. They were wearing masks???. "Back. The. Fuck. Off."
Danny looked up, and scrambled to get up, but well, pain won him over, and he ended up crawling to Aron, sobbing.
    Jack picked himself up, and huffed."Aron, the fuck are you doing?! It's that Danny fucker. We were gonna rough him up a bit!" Stan snickered, and nodded. That voice, and snicker sounded familiar... and it was no one from 9 Lives. Aron wasn't having that shit. "No, this is your last goddamn warning. Fuck. Off. Danny is MY responsibility."
    Turning, Aron pulled the singer up, and took notice that his hair was blond now. That's why he didn't recognize him at first down there...
    Jack scoffed, standing up to Aron. "Well I don't think we can do that, Erlichman." That statement. That statement alone pissed him off even more. He straight up turned, as if he was leaving, then swung back around, punching Jack in the jaw, causing Danny to utterly flinch, and nearly fall over. 'My poor baby lion... Wait what?' He didn't have time to think about it, as Jack hit at Aron. Stan just kinda stood there, and Danny squeaked, limping to a wall, watching the scene, very frightened.
    "Get the fuck out of here, Aron. This does NOT concern your cowardly ass." Aron chuckled as Jack spat that out. "I've already made my mark on him, Jackie. Anything he does, or anything that happens to him, concerns me."
    Jack seemed a little confused at the Jackie nickname, but fought back. "Boo hoo. So ya' marked him, so what? I'll mark right over that!"
    "I don't think so, Jackie."
    "Stop calling me that! My nam-" He was cut off short by another punch from Aron. This time, though, Aron kicked Jack repeatedly, until Danny cried out of fear for him to stop.
    Aron looked over, faltering. Why was he so effected by that? Why was he faltering at a simple cry out...?
    Jack took this as his chance to slip away. "Ha! He's your weakness, Aron! We'll remember that!!" He began running off, Stan following behind.
    Immediately, Aron rushed over to Danny, and scanned over his body. He really was pretty beat... "Oh Danny... what did they do to you...?"
    Danny sniffled, and looked down. "Th-Th-They... I... he..." He began crying again, burying his head in Aron's chest. Aron let out a sigh, and rest his chin on Danny's head, wrapping his arms around the singer.
    Eventually, Danny calmed down a bit, yawning. Aron chuckled and moved his arms down a bit, "Hey, come on, we can't stay in this alley forever."
    "Yes, yes we can." Danny sniffled, smiling slightly.
    "Whaaat? It's dark and cold out here! You gotta be crazy."
    Danny sniffled again, and chuckled, finally looking up. Aron wiped the remaining tears away. "Come on... lets go."
    Danny complied, and followed Aron.
                          . . . .
    Eventually, Aron arrived back home, this time, with his plaything attached to his arm. He stepped inside, noting to himself that he forgot to lock his door. Danny seemed to hesitate, and reluctantly enter the house, but did so nonetheless. Aron lead them inside some more, and sighed. 'I might've been a dick, but not so much as to beat the shit out of Danny, and then force him to sleep with me.'
    "Go to the room." Danny seemed shocked, and offended. "I-... excuse me, what...?"
    Rolling his eyes, Aron clarified. "Go get cleaned up, you're staying in my room," Danny's eyes widened, seemingly frightened. "-I'll sleep down here."
    The blond blinked, as if I had said something unbelievable and shocking. "I'm not evil, christ.." Sighing, Aron plopped down onto the couch, while Danny slipped up the stairs. As soon as the boy disappeared up the stairs, Aron stood, and flew up the same stairs. He was going to have to clean the extra bedroom out, assuming Danny was going to be staying here for awhile.
         ||Danny's 3rd POV||

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