Chapter 11

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Shout out to VeryHighAlien and DarknessAngel88

    Danny huffed, falling out of the bed, and scrambling for his clothing, causing the former HU singer to quickly jump awake. "What the fu-what's wrong??"
Aron crawled out out, and approached the panicked lion. "Dan...?" Getting no response, he sighed and sat down. When nothing, as expected, happened, he pulled Danny into his lap. He held the blond a bit before brushing his hair to the side, and lifted his head. "What's wrong?"
    Blinking, Danny calmed down, and sighed. "I-I thought... you..."
Aron sighed with disappointment. He knew where this was going. "God no, I... Look, I know I've done that quite a few times, but... no, not again."     Unfortunately, Danny had not seen through the lie that Aron had spat out. He believed him.
"O-Okay...." He smiled, and snuggled into the Russian. Aron let out an exhausted sigh, and disregarded Danny for a little while. "We should be gettin' up soon anyways."
    Nodding, Danny sat up , and stretched. He couldn't help but feel a... Small... something? Or nothing? In his heart. Was he guilty? What... was this feeling? He felt it before, and it went away for awhile, or at least it seemed like it did. He was prodded in the side by Aron, a signal to get up, so he did indeed. This feeling was... like home to him. He could rely on it, it was there for him.
    Standing, Danny hobbled out the room, and looked for his phone. Where was that damn thing? As if reading his mind, Aron chuckled, and wrapped his arms around Danny from behind, one of his hands holding something. "Lookin' for somethin'?"
    Danny sighed, and reached for the thing, only for it to be raised up above them. "Yeah, actually-".
    Aron cut him off, by chuckling and showing off the item to be Dan's phone. "Somethin' like this?" Danny huffed, but smiled. "Yeeesssss."

"Mmhmm... any particular reason?"

"I... have to have a reason to have my phone?"


"Yes. Yes there is a problem. It's my phone!" Danny laughed.

"Ooooor... are ya' hidin' somethin'?"

"N-No it's.... It's just...."

    Aron sighed and gave Danny his phone. Thank you...
He unlocked the phone, and swiped through just the homescreen for a few minutes, just going back and forth. Not that it was mess and he was looking for something or anything, it's just he didn't know what to do. He finally opened his contacts, and considered changing Aron's contact name, but Aron snatched the phone, and did it himself. As he did such thing, he had a smug look on his face. Why is he such a... jerk? Why is he smug...?
    Reaching for his phone back, he received it gracefully, once again, from Aron. Danny's face flushed a dark crimson red as he read it. 'Daddy Aron'. Groaning, Danny hid his face, feeling Aron's chest move abruptly as he chuckled. "I think it's rather fitting, seeing as you, oh so insisted on calling me da-"

"I d-don't remember doing that!!!!"

    Chuckling, Aron craned his neck a bit, and nipped at the beast's neck. Danny smiled, but the moment was ruined by Dan's stomach growling. Danny felt completed embarrassed, but Aron just chuckled, "Someone's hungry!!"

"Shut up!!"

    "Come one.. I'm just teasin'. Look, go get dressed, and we'll get some breakfast, mmkay?"
Danny blinked, and turned around, looking up at Aron. That's... nice of him.
    "What? Why are yo-oh. You don't have any clothes here yet, do you?" 'Yet?!' Danny shook his head, confirming the statement.     Aron sighed, and picked up the little lion and sighed. "You plan on stealin' all my clothes?" Aron raised an eyebrow, as he looked down at the blond pretty boy. Danny just nodded and giggled.
    'Why is he so giggly and happy around me? Shouldn't he be afraid of me?... Yeah, he should, but instead, he's just so damn happy.' Sighing, he took Danny into the room, and set him down. "Go for it." Danny nodded, and hesitated, then started undressing.
Erlichman just smirked, but Danny huffed, then closed the door. Wow.... Why couldn't he keep the door open?
. . .
    After a bit, Danny opened the door, and shuffled out. Aron inhaled some air, and held his breath. Danny was wearing one of his 9Lives shirts, a pair of Aron's shorts, and Aron's floof vest. It was.... Adorable? "I..." Aron had no words.
    "Do... do you not like it? I-I can take it off..." Danny started to take the vest off, but Aron quickly stopped him. "No I don't like it, I fuckin' love it. It... looks so damn good on you..." Danny's face lit up, his eyes shining brighter than the brightest star out there. 'He... what? His eyes shining brighter than the brightest star out there? I loved it?? It looks so damn good on him?! Wtf Writer?!?!?!' (Oops. Oh well.)
    "Really? W-wow! Thank you!" Good job, Erlichman. "You ready?" Aron asked. Danny nodded, and beamed up at him.     He sighed, and quickly got ready himself. It took him... less than 5 minutes to change into clean clothes, and slip his shoes on. He came back out, and saw Danny curled up on the couch. His legs were over the arm, as his back lay down on the cushions. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes.
'Fuck..' He was already getting #eREKT (Sorry not sorry) from the sight of him. He took in a deep breath, and strolled over.    
    "Ready Danny?" Getting his answer in the form of a nod, Aron held his hand out, towards the golden man, who gladly took it, and helped pull him up to his feet. Aron grunted, and walked towards the door, but was stopped by Danny wrapping his arms around Aron's arm. He chuckled, and opened the door.

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