A Past Unspoken Part 2

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"So then, what's your story?" Freyer asked, feeling he shouldn't be the only one to spill his guts.

"Mine? Well I guess it's more 'ours'. The story of why me and brother don't have parents. To be honest the details are a bit fuzzy. Heh, guess I just don't want to remember."

"Gonna tell me what happened or just stall until I fall asleep?"

"I-I I'm not stalling!" Finns face turned a bit red. He'd been caught. Freyer smirked. "Well anyways, it was a  about...um... was it 3? No four years! Four years ago! It was a normal day, Mother was preparing dinner, Waldek was helping out, Father was still at work, and I just playing in the living room. Dinner was almost done when Father got back. I ran up to him as fast as I could."

Brother came after, he wasn't in such a hurry. Father picked me up, and then hugged Brother. he made a pouty face, he was intent on making his age clear, 'I'm not a kid he would say, I 'm 13'. After he let us go, Father went over to his chair, and grabbed the book left on the end-table. I went back to playing, but more quietly now that he was reading. Brother went back to the kitchen, and Mom came right out. She went over to Father, and kissed his cheek, with such a sweet, peaceful expression. He turned to her and kissed back. Without a word she went back to the kitchen, dinner would be ready soon. Sometimes I wondered if they talked telepathically.

I remember, that night I was in the kitchen helping Mother with dinner. Thinking back, I feel like I'm being eaten up by this past. But I can't forget. She would sing  when she cooked, it was quiet, almost a hum, but so beautiful. It hurts, to think of it. Whenever I asked what song she sung, all she would say was 'an old song'. I still wonder what it was. We set the table together, Mother called for Finn, and Father. Finn came rushing in, and Father followed.

Then it came, just as we sat down, foot steps, right out the door. A loud crash, and the door was knocked down.

I was so scared, Mother, Father, and even Brother too, they jumped up. Mother went to confront them, tell those people at the door off, Father and Brother ran up to their rooms, and grabbed their weapons. I heard Mother yelling from the kitchen. Things weren't going well. I heard punches, kicks, and grunts. Mother was going at them in a fight, it must of taken them by surprise, a women fighting. Father rushed down the stairs. I saw as I peaked out from the doorway, both Mother and Father had their swords ablaze, fighting against the two men. The men were beefy, well armored. I think it was imperial armor. They were so big, so strong, so scary.

During the hectic calamity of the fight., I with my new sword, was able to sneak past the brutes attacking my family. Father had instructed me to protect Finn. To hide and keep quiet. I wanted to fight with him and Mother, but I knew I had to obey him, I would just be in the way. I came up behind my little brother silently.

"Finn,come with me." his eyes, I still remember them, how frightened he was. He didn't understand, not yet.

Brother looked so brave. He wasn't shaking, or filled with fear. But I was. I grabbed his hand, and we fled to a little nitch by the counter. The fight in the other room raged on, crashes, and slashes screetches and insults, grunts and stomps. It won't stop ringing in my ears. I clutched onto Brother,  hidding from fear I held on to him. Soon enough our parents were driven back into kitchen, the fighting continued. But now we were forced to watch the horror. Mother and Father were in bad shape. Blood fllowed from the cuts, but still they faught on.

They weren't gonna make it, my mind would tell me. But I screamed back at it, 'They'll win, they'll survive!'. Oh how I wish that was true.

I'll never forget those last, fatal blows. The smaller one was taking on Mother. She wasn't doing so well in the first place, but in a instant, her slim chances of winning dropped to zero.The man she had been fighting caught her off guard, and drove a small dagger into her eye. he plunged it in farther and farther, all the way to the hilt., blood sperted all over, but it's not as if there wasn't already litres of it all over the floor, what was really horrifying...was the scream. An echo of my mother's last agony, was etched into my brain through that final scream, that I will never forget.

Father's battle of vengeance continued for no more than ten minutes, but it felt like a day. With the clashing of blades the end drew nearer and nearer. Inescapable fate sneaking up. Why couldn't I have made a difference?

I can remember my heart pounding. Beat after beat, faster and faster. My younger brother huddle next to me clenching to me tight with his small arms. He quivered and cried a silent cry so loud it hurt my ears.

I tried to hold back my tears, tried to be strong, but I couldn't. Mother's demise had ripped a hole in my heart. A hole I knew could never be filled. I wept into brother's chest. I didn't know what to do..

Father fought recklessly. Caring not for his own safety, but only for the death of his enemies.This became his downfall. As Father  battled the larger of the two men, the other crept up behind him.The man plunged his sword deep into father's back, gouging his flesh until it pierced his heart.

I tried to scream. I tried to warn him, but my voice had left me in fear.

Father and Mother were gone.They were dead. And we were alone

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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