Turn out the light

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I walked into the door of the house. It was 2 am. I saw both if the cars were gone. My eyes automatically went to the door to my parents room. I ran across the hard wood floor and I made my way to the bed. I grabbed the box that held my blades. I knew my dad would gotten them. He couldn't stop me that easily. My addiction.. I can't even say. I went up stairs.

Half way up stairs I heard my mom's voice. My whole body froze. I then heard my dads voice.

"Yeah she left." He said. I could tell he was angry and worried. I went to my room and locked the door. I heard the door open. I hid the box and locked myself in the closet.

"Baby?" I heard my mom call. I kept a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't speak. They needed to feel like shit for what he did. I grabbed the pillow and went to the back of the closet. I hid behind everything. I heard footsteps and I held my breath.

"Fuck Andy! Why did you do this to her!?" I heard Juliet scream.

"I was only expressing my feelings!" He shouted back.

"Thanks to you she is gone! You know what Andy. I'm leaving too! I've already lost one daughter I don't need to lose another!" She shouted. I felt tears glide down my face. I heard my closet door open. My dads boots hit the floor of my bathroom. He opened up my closet and looked everywhere. Except where I was.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He whispered and walked out of my room. I heard the door slam down stairs. My mind went back to Abby.


I walked into the room and saw everything still there. The pictures of us together. I shook my head and walked out. I couldn't take it. Cancer took my sister. I ran out of the house, trying to escape my hell. I didn't come home until the next day. Juliet found me.. My dad was drinking.

*end of flashback*

I shook my head and slowly stood up. I heard the door shut down stairs and the other car start. I opened the box and took out the blade. The sharpest one. I sat in my dark hole and shook my head. Everything was my fault.

I'm sorry." I whispered as tears went down my cheeks. I cut down my arm. Deeper than ever before. I looked at the blood flooding from my arm. I leaned against the wall, waiting for darkness to consume me. The last thing I remember was headlights in the driveway.


I usually dot out AN but this is short >.< sorry I will update again ASAP Byeeeee


My Father, Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now