Chapter 9

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Siwon's POV

We came home early today because Yoona is sick. Taeyeon really didn't like this. Maybe she was misunderstanding the feelings I felt for Yoona. Yoona is like a younger sister to me. We have known each other for around 20 years now. Oh how I just hope that Taeyeon would understand me for once.

A few minutes ago... during our date...

"Hon, I think we better leave now," I said.

"Why are you always in a hurry? Is it about Yoona again? When we had a date at Everland, you told me to go home early to check on Donghae and Yoona. Please tell me why?" she queried.

"Don't you care about her? She's your best friend. My goodness, Taeyeon, I don't want to start a fight with this."

"I'm not trying to start a fight, okay? I'm just clearing things up here. You don't know how I have been feeling nowadays. You just don't understand a girl's feelings," she argued.

"There you go again. You're babbling about things that are not even true. Taeyeon, please stop judging me if you haven't even proven it yet. Do you even care about her?" I replied.

"Yes, I do care for her. Ugh, let's just talk about this later. I'm not in the mood right now to talk with you. You just came home from America, and we're fighting. Aren't we even supposed to enjoy this time?" she said while starting to sob.

I was somehow annoyed and guilty at the same time. I really never wanted to let Taeyeon feel that way, but like what I just said, Yoona is like a younger sister to me. Ever since her parents died when she was young, my parents and I took care of her - like a family. I met Taeyeon 10 years after I met Yoona. Taeyeon did not only have a beautiful face but also a beautiful heart. Even though I was so imperfect in many ways, she accepted me. But now... I I just don't get why she's being like this. Anyways, we had a very awkward ride home. Taeyeon didn't speak a single word, argue, and cry. She was just looking outside.

After around 45 minutes, we finally arrived home. When I opened the door, the first thing I saw was that Donghae and Yoona were hugging, and she was crying. WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED?!

"Im Yoona, are you okay? What happened?" Taeyeon asked.

"Ahh, Unni, umm..."

"She's fine. She just..." Donghae butted in.

"I lost the game! That's all," Yoona replied.

"Are you sure, Yoona?" I asked.

"Yes, Oppa. See? I'm totally great!" she said while starting to jump around.

Yoona's POV

Omo~ I also got caught. Well maybe my reason might not be too believable, but at least I said something. Why did they come home so early? It's totally unusual for them to come home around this time. I notice something... Unni wasn't feeling well. We all went to our rooms, and Unni just lied on her bed.

"Unni, are you okay? Did something happen?"

"I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

Why is Unni suddenly saying sorry to me? Suddenly, she started crying.

"Unni, what is it? You can talk to me if it will help you feel better," I comforted her and sat on her bedside.

"Siwon and I fought. We're supposed to enjoy his vacation, and we're like this. Yoona, do you know the feeling of jealousy? It just hurts. My heart - chincha ah pa yo," she said while crying.

Didn't I just say that a while back? I just wanted to say, "YES, UNNI. I TOTALLY KNOW THAT FEELING. THAT'S THE REAL REASON WHY I'M CRYING."

"Yes, Unni, I felt that before," I lied.

"He just doesn't understand me."

"Jealousy? Sorry? Does this misunderstanding involve me?" I wondered in my mind. Well, I decided to talk to Oppa. You can barely see Taeyeon unni crying, and if she does, it means she's really hurt or she's been hiding that feeling for a very long time now.

I immediately went to the room of Siwon and Donghae and knocked on their door. Donghae opened the door and I told him to call Siwon.

"Oppa, can we talk?"

"Sure. Donghae, can you go to dining room first and play there?"

Donghae left, and he gave those big looking eyes on me.

"Oppa, what happened between you and Unni?"

"Umm, well, we had a misunderstanding. She's just too problematic about you."


"Yes, she said that I was too caring about you, but do you remember our promise? We will take care of each other for the rest of our lives. I also told her that you are like a little sister to me."

Ouch. I'm seriously just a little sister to him.

"Thank you for caring, Oppa, but I think you guys really need to talk. I mean you know that Unni barely cries. I mean like she just cries when she's really in pain. I understand her feelings, and I think maybe you should just try to accept and understand it too. Jealousy really comes in between relationships. It's really hard to avoid, and I'm sure you know that right? Can both of you just please make it up?"

"So you're saying that I should just care for her more than you?"

"Yes. Oppa, she's your girlfriend. You should be really caring a lot about her! Please just say sorry to one another? As in right now."

"Okay, I'll go to her. Thank you, Yoona. You'll be my best friend ever," he says while messing my hair. By the way, were you really crying because you lost a game?"

Uh ohh.

"Yes, Oppa. Because I didn't want to get hit by a hammer, so I started crying. You know just acting! Go now, Oppa."

"Okay, I believe you."

He immediately went to our room, and I heard laughs already. I felt a relief after doing this whole thing.

Suddenly, Donghae went to me.

"Seems like you're starting to let go of him, and you really have goo acting skills," he teasingly said to me.

"Well, of course. Just kidding! I'm feeling that maybe I should start letting it go."

"Well, maybe, you'll stop crying from now on," he pats my head.

"Yes, I will surely will," I said with a smile.

No more crying. No more pain. Yoona's heart is now officially open. Will she now start looking for the guy of her dream? :D

-- kpop_lover16

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