Chapter 10

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Donghae’s POV

Days have passed, and Yoona does not cry anymore. Every single morning, I see her smiling at me with a good morning. I do not really know if her heart is really healed, but whatever happens, I promise to take care of it. One morning, I decided to ask Yoona out. To be honest, I just wanted to know her more. It is not about her love life, but about her likes and dislikes. I am not saying that I am interested in her or something, but that is what friends do right? (DON’T THINK MALICIOUS ABOUT IT.)

“Yoona, want to go out today?” I asked her with a smile.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Since Taeyeon and Siwon went to Everland before, why don’t we go there this time?” I suggested.

“I am not really in the mood to go to a theme park today. Maybe some other time,” she replied with a sad face.

“Hmm, how about Nami Island – do you want to go there? Please SAY YES.”

“Fine, I’ll start getting ready now. Merong,” she replied while chuckling.

Other “date” again? Hmm.

Yoona’s POV

Early this morning, Donghae asked me out again on a “date” – whatever you’ll call it. I wasn’t really in the mood today because the play that I auditioned at didn’t accept me. It was totally my dream to act for them. Let’s just say… BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME. Anyways, I immediately got ready for the “date”, and it seems like I don’t know what to wear! A dress? Short sleeves? Shorts? Pants? T-shirt? Blouse? OH PLEASE HELP ME. I’m not trying to look beautiful for Donghae, okay? I’m just trying to look modest and plain just like a simple person. After a few minutes of looking for clothes, I finally found THE ONE. I wore the dress Donghae gave me last week. Well, he gave it to me because he said he was just trying to be friendly. OH WHATEVER, DONGHAE. After a little make up on my face, I finally went out of the room. Taeyeon and Siwon saw me because they had just started eating breakfast.

“Yoona, are you guys going somewhere?” asked Taeyeon.

“Umm, yes, Unni. We’ll be going to Nami Island, so I think we’ll be back a little late. Please don’t wait for us anymore,” I replied.

“Okay, enjoy your date,” Siwon said.

“Oppa, it’s not really a date. It’s just to enjoy the winter,” I replied.

“Winter, and you’re wearing a dress?” Taeyeon chuckled and asked.

“I’ll be bringing a thick coat, Unni. Don’t worry about me. Have a great day to both of you too.”

Donghae finally came out, and it was time to start our journey to Nami Island. The first words that came out from Donghae’s mouth when we went outside were…

“I see that you’re wearing the dress I gave you. I bet that it is your favorite.”

“I just wore it today, and you’re already saying that it’s my favorite. Whatever, Donghae. Whatever!”

Donghae reached out something from his bag. He brought out an earmuff and a pair of hand gloves.

“Here, it’s for you. It’s a match to your dress,” he said shyly.

“Aww, thanks, Oppa. I really appreciate this. It’s so cute!”

“You should appreciate that. I was the one who bought that for you.”

“Fine. Merong”

The trip from Seoul to Nami Island is a little bit long, so I once again slept during the trip. My dream is the same again…

“You’re my star,” I said.

This man of my dreams had brown and short hair. He sure did look handsome from the back. Furthermore, he also had some bangs that were a bit of wavy. While I was walking nearer to him, I noticed that he was also looking for someone. I was calling him, but he didn’t hear me. I shouted a bit louder, and finally, he heard me. I was walking closer to him, and when he turned around… HE’S…


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