Chapter 4

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Gerard woke up on the couch. Nothing had happened last night between Him and Frank and he was glad. The dream made him a more careful around Frank now, but he guessed that soon there would be questions. He got up and walked into the bedroom, grabbed a fresh set of clothes and walked into the bathroom where he locked the door and stripped off and started the shower. When the water was warm enough he got in and stood there, letting the water trail down his back. He grabbed the shampoo and squirted some onto his hand before rubbing it into his bright red hair. There was a knock at the door.

“What?” He shouted, his voice echoing of the walls.

“We’ve go to go soon,” Ray said, leaning against the door

“I just got in!” He moaned and scrubbed his body. Before turning the shower off and wrapping a towel around him. He dried him self off before putting on some boxers and cut offs. He put the towel around his neck and grabbed a top before walking out.

“Sexy!” Frank shouted from his bed, eating some toast and staring at the laptop screen.

“What the?”

“I was talking to Gee, not the laptop.” Ray laughed, shaking his head and walking out of the bed room.

“Remind me to never sleep on the couch again!”

“Will do babe.” Frank said, staring at the lap top screen.

“What are you up to?”


“You? Reading? Must be good.”

“Un-less you want a heart attack you might wanna stay over there.”

“Not that shit again?”

“Yeah,” Laughed frank as he closed the laptop and sat up.

“Come on, let’s get going.”

“Make sure we go to Start bucks first.”

“Of course.”

“I want some skittles.” Gerard mumbled and shoved his top on before walking out of the bed room, pulling on some socks on. He walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard door and grabbed a red packet of Skittles and walked towards the couch, the pillows still scattered over the floor from when he tossed and turned. He picked them up before plunging down onto the couch and opening his Skittles. I grabbed on and stared at it. It was a small red one with a tiny white ‘S’ He popped it into his mouth and became deep in thought as he ate them, one by one.

“Gerard’s thinking again,” Mikey whispered to Frank. Frank looked up from the washing up that he had decided to do since he was bored, he smirked and turned to Mikey.

“One of these days he’s gonna create something great.”

“That means no more My Chem, though dude…”

“True, but he’s all ready wrote about… how many comics?” Mikey shrugged and Ray walked through the door.

“Any one want a cookie?” Gerard snapped out of his thinking trance and jumped up

“COOKIE!” He smiled and ran towards Ray, eyes bright with the child within, Ray laughed and dug into his bag of Cookies and passed on to Gerard, “Cookie!” He said and ran into the bed room, locking the door behind him, and nibbled at it. Gerard has a thing about cookies, normally something happens to the cookie and Gerard now east’s his cookies where no one else can get them.  Normally, if a person didn’t get it, one of Frank’s many dogs would of stolen it. Gerard swallowed the cookie and walked back out,

“RESULT I ATE A WHOLE COOKIE!” The band stared at Gerard before laughing, Frank’s laughter was the best after Gerard’s. Then there was a knock at the door. Frank, still swallowing laughter walked up to the door and opened it,

“BOB!” Frank Shouted

“FRANK!” Bob replied





“What The Fuck is happening here?!” Bob cried in a fun tone before walking in.

“I have no clue,” Gerard said before looking at his half empty packet of Skittles and started eating them again.

“Dude, You have to read this shit,” Frank said running over to the laptop

“Dude, why are you running?”

“Because of Gee-Gee over here,”

“Fucking hell, Frank-Frank, when are you gonna get over that shit?”

“Gee-Gee? Frank-Frank? Has something changed between them? Don’t tell me they’ve had sex?!” Bob laughed, Gerard stared at Bob before looking back at Frank,

“Gee-Gee, Bumble B and Lyn-Z have wrote,” Gerard jumped up and pounded towards the letter in Mikey’s hand,

“Gonna make a phone call,”

“Love you Gee-Gee!” Frank called

“Love You Frank-Frank!” He called back before attending to his phone.

Frerard- Frank and Gerard[NO LONGER WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now