I'm Not A Dumb Blond You Know

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Margot would have been late if it hadn't been for Balthazar, who decided to give her a wake up call because he was hungry. He crawled out from her shirt pocket to lick her chin, her face scrunching up when she realized what was happening.

"Mornin' Balth," Margot greeted, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before she picked him up, patting him affectionately as she placed him on her shoulder.

She paused for a moment, a bit confused as to where she was until she remembered last night. Malfoy stealing potions, the 'almost kiss', running from Filtch, and falling asleep here.

Margot looked over at the couch across from her that Malfoy had slept on, but of course it was empty. She let out a huff, not really surprised that he was gone, but very annoyed that he didn't bother to wake her up.

She stood, stretching her legs before walking to the door and cracking it open. Margot peeked through, she still had no idea where she was, but she definitely didn't want to get in trouble for being there.

When she saw the coast was clear she stepped out, finding her way back to the dorms, which took a lot longer than she'd like to admit.

As she walked through the door to the Slytherin common room she felt all the eyes focus on her. A mix between amused, impressed, and probably a few pissed stares followed her as she walked quickly to her room.

Looks like the news about her 'scuffle' with Parkinson had made it's way to all her house mates.

Margot shoved her way through the door, making a bee-line straight to her bed.

She took Balthazar off her shoulder and placed him gently inside his cage. He'd been so good for the past couple weeks that she had made up her mind to get a small bed for him to replace his cramped cage next time she was at a shop.

It felt like someone was staring daggers at her, already knowing who it was she turned her attention to Pansy's bed. "Got something stupid to say about where I've been all night?" Margot asked sarcastically, her eyes narrowing as if daring her to say something.

Pansy's jaw clenched together as she held in a snide remark. Keeping her mouth shut had to be the first smart thing Margot had ever seen her do.

"Yeah that's what I thought." Margot's voice was full of malice as she walked to the bathroom. For some reason she felt dirty after last night, nothing had actually happened between her and Draco but it just felt... wrong.

Admittedly it was a bit like it was a good wrong, kind of like stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

She stripped of her clothes before hopping into the shower, not bothering to look at herself in the mirror. She knew she looked like crap, she didn't need a reminder.

Margot was in there longer than usual, letting the hot water burn off the ick she felt on her skin. Honestly she didn't feel much cleaner, but by the look of her pruning fingers it was time to get out.

She dried off slowly, finally eying herself in the mirror. Her face looked paler and she felt sick, she needed food.

With eating the only thing on her mind she got ready quicker than usual. She grabbed her bag from her trunk before making her way out of the room and past a brooding Pansy.

With Blaise still in the hospital wing she had been eating breakfast alone for awhile, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could deal with it. Sitting by herself always made her feel out of place, as if everyone knew she had no friends or that no one liked her.

She finished the last of her pancakes in a hurry, really just wanting to get out of there as soon as she possibly could. Just as she was about to get up from her seat an owl swooped down, perching beside her empty plate with a rolled parchment pinched between it's beak.

She's Just Broken Glass {Draco Malfoy x OC}Where stories live. Discover now