A Bit Violent Aren't We Warner?

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Margot sat in the transfiguration classroom; the seat next to her which was usually occupied by Blaise was empty. Her head was down on the desk; Professor McGonagall's lesson just seemed like faint background noise. The parchment in front of her was blank, just like it had been in every class since this morning.

She was used to being alone when she grew up, but she had gotten so attached to Blaise that it seemed she wasn't able to function without him, especially when she knew he was hurt. Margot let out a slow breath, closing her eyes for the remainder of the lesson.

She hadn't noticed the class had ended until the Professor tapped her on the shoulder. "Miss Warner class has been dismissed" McGonagall said. Margot looked up at her with a tired expression, "Is everything alright?" The professor asked, a worried expression replacing the irritated one that she had had over Margot sleeping during class.

Margot simply nodded, gathering up her stuff and exiting the classroom as the professor watched her leave, her lips pressed tightly together in concern. 

Margot was drained, she had been in the infirmary the entire day yesterday and she would have stayed the night if Madame Pomfrey hadn't kicked her out.

She made her way to the dungeons, climbing up the stairs to her room before throwing her bag onto the floor. She let out a huff as she flopped onto her bed.

"Aw are you still moping around?" Pansy's voice rang in her ears causing Margot to groan, she seriously wasn't in the mood for this shit.

She didn't reply, but gave her a silent 'fuck you' by flipping her off.

"Looks like your little boyfriend is still gone huh?" Pansy asked in mock-concern as she walked towards Margot's bed.

Margot gritted her teeth together, jumping from her bed with a look that said she was ready to kill.  "I'm getting fucking sick and tired of all your bullshit Parkinson."

"You know, I bet he's just faking the coma, he just had no other way to get away from your clingy ass." Pansy said as she continued taunting her.

Margot walked towards Pansy, who now had a small look of fear on her face as she took a step back.

Pansy didn't have time to react as Margot's fist slammed into her face. Her breath was heavy as she stood there looking down at Pansy, who had fallen to the floor. Blood streamed out of her nose, dripping down her chin and onto her shirt.

"Say one more fucking word about him and I swear you'll end up worse off than he is right now," Margot threatened as she stormed out of the room, leaving Pansy crying on the floor covered in her own blood.

Margot walked down the corridors, trying to calm down and forget about what just happened. She was never really violent but she guessed that she was bound to snap at some point.

She had been walking around for a good fifteen minutes but stopped when she saw someone sneaking out of Snape's office. She walked closer to the person, who seemed to be staring back at her.

It was Malfoy.

Of course it was Malfoy.

"Malfoy, why does it look like you're up to no good?" She asked him, folding her arms across her chest.

"I don't know Warner, maybe you're just paranoid," He replied with a shrug.

"Well, it looks to me like you're stealing potions," She stated, pointing towards the yellow vile in Draco's hand.

"Well, what Snape doesn't know won't hurt him," He countered with a small glare.

"If you get caught I doubt your attractiveness would get you out of this Malfoy," She said with a shake of her head, he always managed to get out of trouble with his 'charm'.

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