Yes Sir

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How Snape knew it was him who stole the potion, he'd never know. No one but Warner had seen him with it, but she wouldn't turn him in, would she?

Draco pushed himself up from his bed, which lately seemed to be the only place he was able to avoid Pansys unwanted advances, and left his dorm room.

He made his way past Crabbe and Goyle, not bothering to say hi as he walked out of the common room. It took him a good 15 minutes to get the lake, but finally he stopped beside Professor Snape.

Draco stood there quietly, waiting for Snape to say something but all he did was stare at the castle as if he was waiting for someone else to show up.

God this was going to be a boring night.

Finally he saw someone coming towards them. He squinted a bit, trying to see if he could figure out who it was. He snickered when he realized it was Warner, coming to pay the price for punching Pansy.

He couldn't exactly tell if she was annoyed or shocked when she saw he had detention too, in reality it was probably both.

"Good, now that you're both here you can get started," Snape handed Margot a piece of parchment as he continued to explain what they were going to do.

"I need you to collect these ingredients for me, I'll be back in about 2 hours, that should give you enough time." With that he turned on his heels, making his way back to the castle and leaving them both alone.

"What the fuck is a fluxweed?" Margot asked as she read through the ingredients on the list.

Draco rolled his eyes, "I swear the only reason you're passing potions is because of me." He wouldn't admit it, but he kind of liked that she had to depend on him when they worked on a new potion.

She let out a huff but didn't say anything, she knew full well that he was right.

Draco snickered. "A fluxweed is this green plant, its kind of hard to find if you don't know what to look for honestly."

"Well you're on fluxweed duty then, I'll pick the stupid mushrooms." She decided, and as much as he wanted to ignore her decision, he knew they wouldn't get everything in time if he just sat around watching her for 2 hours.

It only took him about 5 minutes to track down the fluxweed, dropping to his hands and knees to pull them from their roots. He yanked out the first root, thinking about how he had never finished telling Blaise about his suspicions on Margots parents.

If she hadn't decided to get drunk that night he probably could have convinced Blaise that he was right, everything pointed to her being the little girl of those psychopaths.

He tossed another fluxweed into one of the small buckets that Snape had left for them, glancing over at Margot who was still collecting mushrooms. He eyed her sweater, it wasnt even cold. In fact it was actually a pretty warm night, why the hell was she wearing that?

Oh right, the cuts.

He let out a long breath, turning his attention back to the plants he was picking. This was going to be a long night.

Draco flinched, the loud clank of Margot dropping her bucket beside him catching him off guard.

"Mushrooms are done, tell me what tubeworms are and I'll get those." She sounded antsy, as if she had something else she really needed to be doing right now.

She's Just Broken Glass {Draco Malfoy x OC}Where stories live. Discover now