Who Interrupts Draco Malfoy?

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Oh god what was that terrible screeching noise?

Margot opened her eyes to see a small pig nosed girl screaming at someone from across the room. Margot's face pinched together in silent irritation as she looked over to check the time, it was only 6 in the morning.

What the fuck are they yelling about? She silently got up and walked over to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get away from the two girls.

"That's my bloody shirt you fat cow!" The pig nosed girl with short black hair yelled. A shirt. They're fighting over a fucking shirt.

"This better not happen every fucking morning..." She mumbled to herself as the water dripped down her slim body. She sighed as she stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry herself off.

She eyed the door when she heard a large crash of something breaking from the room, what the hell is wrong with them? Wrapping the towel around herself she made her way out of the bathroom and back to her wardrobe, grabbing her uniform before she started to change.

"Give me back my skirt! You'll just stretch it out with your fat ass!" Pig nose was still yelling at the other girl.

Margot rolled her eyes scowling at the petty banter. She was in for a shitty year if this is what she had to deal with every day.

She scowled and checked the time, 6:48. Fuck it, she'll wait down stairs for Blaise, she couldn't handle this pig screeching for much longer.

She walked around the two fighting girls careful not to put any attention to herself as she made her way out the door. Margot let out a sigh of relief as she walked down the stairs, glancing around a bit at the empty common room.

You'd figure there'd at least be some kids awake by now, she plopped herself down onto one of the couches. It was way too early for her to be awake; she closed her eyes for a bit as she waited for Blaise to show up.

She heard a familiar voice across the room, "But what do you have against her? She seems fine to me." Margot cracked her eyes a bit to see Blaise and Draco walking down the stairs together.

"She started it, I tried making friends with her but she was just being a bitch." Malfoy replied in a cold tone as they got to the end of the stairs.

Blaise just shook his head before he spotted Margot and made his way towards her, leaving Malfoy standing at the stairs alone and irritated.

"I was not being a bitch," Margot said defending herself as Blaise helped her up off the couch.

Blaise chuckled a bit, "Draco's just not use to people turning him down that's all."

Margot just shrugged in reply.

"So how'd you sleep?" Blaise asked as they made their way to the Great Hall, well Blaise made his way and Margot followed.

She let out a groan, "I slept fine until I got woken up by my roommates shrieking at each other," She answered with a scowl.

"Who're your roommates?" He glanced at her, already figuring he knew who she had the misfortune of getting roomed with.

"Well the door said Parkinson and Bulstrode, one of them had a pig nose and the other was like 3 times her size," Margot shook her head, she actually didn't know who was who.

Blaise let out a chuckle, "Looks like you got the short end of the stick then, the pig nose would be Parkinson and Bulstrode the bigger one. I'd just stay away from them; Millicent could crush you and Pansy... Well get on her bad side and she'll just nag you to death," He added.

She's Just Broken Glass {Draco Malfoy x OC}Where stories live. Discover now