Smells A Bit Musty...

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She and all the first years were silent as they trailed behind Professor McGonagall, slowly lining up on the side the Great Hall.

The silence among the first years didn't last long when it was broken by a couple of gasps and mumbles. Margot looked up when she saw one of the boys point at the roof. It was the last thing she expected, instead of a ceiling it was just the night sky, the moon dimmed by dark clouds.

The line of students came to a slow stop as McGonagall made her way to the front of the hall, taking her place behind a stool with a ratty old hat sitting on it.

She was uninterested by the professors short speech, zoning it out she risked glances throughout the hall where there were four long tables all packed with students.

Margot noticed the table closest to her had kids wearing uniforms with red and gold. She remembered those were the house colors for Gryffindor, which Hagrid seemed pretty affectionate for.

The next table must have been Ravenclaw, followed by Hufflepuff. And the last was a table filled with students in green uniforms, the Slytherin house. She remembered Hagrid wasn't too fond of them, mentioned something about the students in that house not being the nicest bunch.

Margot looked over at Professor McGonagall as her speech ended and she started naming off new students. "Anderson, Sabrina!" Her stern voice echoing throughout the hall. A rather large girl with dark brown hair shuffled over to the stool as Professor McGonagall placed the worn out hat on her head.

Margot was confused, she probably should have paid attention to the speech before, what were they doing? Her breath caught in her throat as the hat seemed to split in the middle, two eyes opening up above it as it shouted "Slytherin!"

So this is the sorting hat...

The professor called out more names, all getting sorted into different houses. Every house seemed to cheer when one of the new kids got placed in their houses, which made her a bit nervous, that was too much attention for one person.

Margot focused on McGonagall again as she read off a new name, "Baker, Sylvester!" She called, a scrawny red head stumbled over to the stool, sitting down just as the others before had. It took a moment until the hat shouted, "Hufflepuff!" She didn't want the attention this seemed to place on the new students.

She zoned out a bit, only hearing a couple names as Professor McGonagall continued to read them off, "Griffiths, Sarah!" It seemed to vary from student to student on how long it took for them to get placed; she hoped it wouldn't take too long for her. "Ravenclaw!" She watched as the short girl made her way over to the blue robed table.

McGonagall continued calling names, this is taking forever, and she's only on the M's... Margot frown as the professor called out "Monaham, Blake!" ..... "Slytherin!"

"O'Connell, William!"..... "Gryffindor!"

"Sandler, Veronica!"..... "Ravenclaw!"

"Vasquez, Andres!".... "Hufflepuff!"

Wait... Her eyes got wide, W was next. Her heart started racing, holding her breath as she started reading off the W's, "Williams, Anthony!" the Professor read off.

That doesn't make sense... Her name should have come before that.

"Gryffindor!" She started to panic as a new thought occurred. What if she wasn't on the list? What if she wasn't really meant to be here? What if they get through all the names and shes still standing here left out?

It was her worst nightmare, the last kid had been called and she was the last one standing. She held onto her arm awkwardly, refusing to look out at the large number of kids, even when she felt their eyes bore into her.

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