A Hell Hound at Night

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After dinner i walked around the forest not noticing the black tendrils forming at my feet. when i finally looked down i was shocked 'this hasn't happened before.'  i thought to myself. the flowers and underbrush around me suddenly turned brown, wilted, and died. i kept walking trying not to spend too much time in one area, unless that caused the wilting of the plants. eventually the horn blew again, probably signaling that is was time for bed. i walked grudgingly back towards camp not wanting to lay in a sleeping bag all night and be bored, I don't sleep, when i got into the cabin i went over to my bed (it's really just a sleeping bag) and plopped down to wait.

When everyone had finally fallen asleep i creeped up and out the door and walked silently to the pavilion. finding it better to lie in the grass and star up at the stars i moved a few feet away from the roof of the pavilion and stared up at the cosmos. after watching the sky twinkle at me for about an hour, i heard a growling coming from the forest, i rolled onto my side and stared into the dark foliage. Two blood red eyes stared back at me, the leaves around the eyes rustled, and the hell hound launched it's self right on top of me. i groaned at the weight of the relatively small hound and rolled it off me, it playfully jumped back on me then froze. it's eyes turned toward the big house, i looked just in time to see an archer release his arrow, it was aimed straight at the hell hound pup. i shoved the pup off me right before the arrow plunged into my shoulder. i gasped in pain as my blood started dribbling out of my arm, the pup charged at the archer readying itself to kill him. 

"Halt!" i yelled after the pup with an authority i had never known. it stopped dead in it's tracks and ran back to me still glaring at the archer, the hound licked at my wound but recoiled at the taste of my blood it growled and ran back into the forest.

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