Meeting and Greeting

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Louis and I are going strong, the boys and I are close as ever and today im meeting my first meet and greet winner, Maya. Apparently she is 16 and bringing her friend Sophie.

I woke up at 9am, cleaning the house, for if we were to come back. I took a shower and curled my hair, applying little makeup, only a bit of concealer and mascara and pink lipgloss.

I looked out my window to see it was a cloudy day, A bit of sun and the clouds were a bit grey. So typical English summers.

I put on  my amazing outfit and decided I looked good. I put on my 'partners in crime' necklace and saw it was 11am. I skipped downstairs and ate a banana and had a mint. I drank some water and brushed my teeth. I walked to the living room and saw everyone in there PJ's watching Power Rangers.

"Durex power GO!" Louis screamed with the guy on screen.

"DUREX?!" I shouted....isn't durex a condom?

"Yes durex, the power rangers have a special machine called durex and it saves them 99% of the time" Harry grinned cheekily. I rolled my eyes. 

"Haha.........condoms" Niall chuckled deeply and i giggled.

"Guys, be dressed when im home, please. I might be bringing the winners back if it is shite weather" I checked myself in the mirror and decided I looked okay...ish.

"Yeah yeah sure" Louis didn't listen to me at all and continued with his Durex programmes.

I walked out the door, house keys in hand and purse in the other. I quickly stuffed my keys in my pocket and held my purse tight, walking past all the paps, waving  and smiling at them. I got in the car at the top of my lane and we drove off, as I was talking to Logan. Once I got out I was followed by Logan until I saw a girl with a maya pin badge on and she looked at me and grinned.

I signalled for Logan to leave and I jogged up to the girls.

"Hi, love" I hugged them both.

"Oh my're" Sophie stood in shock.

"Indeed, where would you like to go?" I asked.

"Shopping?" Maya asked and we nodded


5 hours later.

"So are you girls a fan of one direction?" I asked, finishing my KFC and they nodded ferousicly.

"Well then" I smirked and took out my phone, ringing Louis.

"Hey babe" Louis answered and the girls squealed.

"Hi Louis. I'm here with Maya and Sophie, get the lads would you?" I asked.

"Already here, mimoo" Niall shouted.

"Well talk to the girls, while they're still young" I rolled my eyes.

"LIVE WHIL WE'RE YOUNG" I heard zayn yelp.

"Hi, Maya and Sophie. It's Liam" Liam was of course the responsible one right now.

And the day went on.


I opened my eyes and sighed.

"Each day as the same as the next" I giggled at how depressing I sounded and curled my hair, put on my make up and did the same as yesterday, meeting Maggie and her friend Victoria.


"I'm fucking losing my marbles" I grumbled, showering, getting dressed and doing my makeup and getting my purse. I walked downstairs to see Niall on his phone.

"Whats up, Nialler?" I asked.

"Nothing, Mimoo. I just missed you" Niall grinned.

"Awwww nialler!" I cooed and hugged him tight.

"We'll have a day tomorrow, yeah?" Niall asked.

"Definitely. Gotta go. Love you" I grinned.

"Love you too" Niall shouted as I left and got in the car with Logan. We got to the destination and saw 2 muscly boys.

"Hi, Tony and Marcus?" I asked and they smirked. I was around the same height as them. It began  rain and we ran into the shopping centre.

We spent about 5 hours together until the rain got heavier and I decided to just go to my house.

"So how old are you?" Marcus asked.

"19" I nodded and the smiled at each other.

"We're both 19 too" Tony chuckled and I giggled. We pulled up outside my house. And I heard chaos...from outside.

"Oh for fucks sake" I sighed and Tony, Marcus and I walked in the door to see the one direction lads arguing about something.

"HEY!" I shouted and they quit it.

"Shut up, man up and fuck up" I ordered and they all walked away in separate directions.

"'re like their nanny" Marcus chuckled making me chuckle.

"That's me" I sat on the couch and gestured for them to sit down. Harry walked in and took over the TV and I made a face at him and walked up to my room with the boys.

"So...this is my bedroom.....I bed...and here" I giggled unsure what to say.

They sat on my bed and I put '21 Jump Street' on. Suddenly about half way through the film Marcus grabbed my ass.

"Hey!" I shouted very high pitched.

"What you complaining about babe?" Tony pulled me closer to him and I pushed him off.

"Cut it out, lads" I mumbled and walked towards the door when tony pulled me bag and started kissing my neck.

"HARRRYYY!" I shouted but a t-shirt was thrown in my mouth and the door was locked. I heard banging and harry shouting for me to open the door. I tried to spit out the t-shirt but I couldn't.

Suddenly my door burst down and out from the dust came....Niall....?

Never underestimate a leprechaun.

Niall ran up to Marcus and hooked him. Tony let go of me, then suddenly in came Louis who looked at the scene before punching Tony and kicking his body repeatedly as it lay on my carpet, still very much alive but wounded.

"Out!" Harry grabbed the boys by the necks and shoved them out the front door, left for Logan to deal with while Louis took the t-shirt from my mouth.

"Remind me to flavour my washing" I spat a bit of t-shirt out.

"Are you okay?"

"Did they hurt you?"

"Can I kill them?"

"Don't worry we'll get them"

"How you feeling?"

"Im gonna kill them"

This was going to be a long day.

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