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I ran around my wardrobe ragged.

"WHAT DO I WEAR!?" I screamed. I tore threw my cupboards and then...I found it....I found the perfect outfit. A black pencil skirt, light pink flowy cold shoulder top, black high heels, mascara, pink lipgloos a pink bow clutch purse, black rose earrings, a pink watch and a black coat (waist lenghth). I was finally ready, with 45 minutes to spare.

I walked down stairs and everyone looked at me strangely.

"Okay, care to explain?" Harry turned around.

"Eh no, Im gonna be late, Unless you wanna come but still" I looked around until I found my phone and I put £100 in my purse.

"IM COMING!" Louis shouted, jumping towards me, expecting to land on me but landing on the cold floor.

"Babe, Im sorry, I would catch you but 1. Your heavy as fuck 2. I cant crimple the outfit." I giggled.

"Fine" Louis sighed and astood up lacing his arm around my waist.

"Anyone else?" I quickly walked through to the dining room, lifting my keys from the hook and came back to see, Everyone except the girls and Niall waiting at the door, obviously curious as to what im doing.

"Okay lets go" I sighed. I walked out the door and turned around.

"Right Im taking my aston martin, Louis get in the rest of you follow in your own crappy car" I ordered.

"Oi! Beatrice is beautiful!" Liam snapped. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my car. Louis dived in and did a sassy pose.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping" Louis grinned weirdly. I laughed it off and got in.

We drove for 30 minutes before I found the place, the modelling agency DUN DUN DUN.

"We are here" I sang, turning into the car park and parking perfectly.

"The modelling agency?" Louis asked, gulping. I took the keys from the ignition and opened the door.

"Yes, now get out" I smiled.

"Erm yeah okay" He stammered and got out, as the boys were parking I walked over to Louis and put my arms around his neck.

"You okay babe?" I smiled.

"Ermm yeah its just my ex is a model there" He looked shyly down.

"Oh, don't worry bout it Lou-boo-bear. It'll be fine" I grinned. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back happily until we separated. I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand we walked over to the boys car and waited for them. I checked the time on my watch, 4:57.

"Perfect timing" I smiled at my watch and we walked into the building, catching the attention of several young females. I signalled for the boys to wait at the door and Louis and I walked to the front desk and I asked the woman for Michelle. Within 5 minutes Michelle was walking over to us.

"Ahh, Mila darling. I think that you have got this" Michelle grinned.

"Thanks Michelle" I smiled.

"And this is your boyfriend?" She smiled at Louis.

"Yes indeedy. This is Louis." I giggled.

"Ah Louis, great publicity eh, dating a model" She chuckled.

"yeah I should tell Uncle Si" He chuckled.

"Uncle Si?" Michelle questioned.

"Oh yes, my uncle Si. Simon Cowell" He grinned.

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