Part 5: Realizations And Declarations

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Hey, sorry I took so long to upload! Hope you enjoy this chapter, if you do please vote and comment, it really makes my day. Thanks!! -MCRKilljoy xXX

Chapter 5: Realizations And Declarations

"Hey Gee! What's up?" Frank swaggered into the counselling office with an aura of fake confidence radiating of him -that and the awful cologne he'borrowed from Brendon.

"I told you, it's Mr Way to-

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Mr Way then."

"Please just take a seat Frank." Gee sat in his usual chair across from the pea green sofa his patients used. Frank was a little disappointed Gee didn't have one of those long sofa bed type thing-ees he'd seen on television, it would be so much more convenient to fuck him on. Sigh.

He had a thought suddenly, that there might be cameras in the room, his eyes gazed around in search of one. Between them was a glass coffee table with flowers, coasters and a pot of pens. The walls were green, slightly darker then the sofa and covered in paintings, Gee's college certificate and bookshelves. The curtains on the only window were purple to match the cushions and rug. To the side was Gee's desk piled high with books and papers and also, Frank noted, had a coffee machine and ash tray.

"There is a tape recorder in here," Frank stated, although he was only guessing, he'd watched enough crime shows.

"Yes, there is," Gee stated bluntly. "So Frank, what is it like being here at Redcliff?"

"What kind of question is that?!" Frank blurted, "It sucks of course. Now turn off the recorder!"

"No. And how are you feeling being here, are you angry, anxious, remorseful?"

"I'm not remorseful 'cause I didn't do anything!"

"Right. So you sound angry," he stated and scribbled something down on the notepad on his lap. "Have you always been an angry child Frank?"

"What?! I'm not- I don't..." Frank stopped realising his tone of voice wasn't backing him up here but he didn't have anger issues, or did he? Aww fuck no, this is why he never went to counselling, it messes with your head, makes you think something is wrong with you.

"Is that why you behave the way you do Frank? Because you can't control your anger?"

There was no way Frank was going to fall into this trap and he certainly wasn't going to talk to Gee about his feelings. He took a deep breath then smiled seductively. "There's nothing wrong with me Mr Way, I just get into a bit a trouble sometimes. Maybe I do need to be punished however, maybe you should spank me?"

"So you admit that you did it then, that you burned down your father's house?" Gee asked frankly, completely ignoring the not so sly innuendo and throwing Frank off, he sat gaping like an idiot.

"I-I-...stop twisting my words! I didn't do it!"

"You know I'm trying to help you Frank? If you admit to this crime and tell the judge you are truly sorry and perhaps you were under the influence of alcohol, then you could get out of this with a more lenient punishment. I promise you, telling the truth will be so much better for you than this charade you're upholding." His tone was soft and caring but his words were not.

"You don't know my dad; he'll dump me off at Juvy as soon as I open my mouth! Not that it matters, I'm innocent!"

"Then who set the fire?"

"I don't know but I bet it was one of dad's pub mates, he always owes them money."

"Your highly wealthy father owes people money?" Gee asked, raising his eyebrow in doubt.

"Well I... okay, okay I don't know who did! Maybe it was himself and he tried to frame me, he's a sick fucker so I wouldn't put it past him."

"Frank I'm afraid not a lot of what you're saying is making much sense. Why on earth would you're father want to frame you? And didn't your neighbours see you at the house that night drunk?"

"Yeah but I was there an hour before the fire happened! I went there and knocked on the door, saw nobody was in then left. I swear." Frank felt the sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. He was fucked.

"Really? Because that's not how it's written down here." Frank had enough of this bullshit, if he didn't leave now he'd say something that would make Gee even more suspicious. Gee took the glare he was receiving from the young delinquent as a sign to remind him Frank he wasn't the enemy. "Frank, I'm not on anyone's side. I do want to help you however, and I promise that if you confess, I will make sure the jury know you are actually good kid and you are completely apologetic."

"Look!" Frank bellowed, leaping up from the sofa. "I. Didn't. Do. Anything! And you are just like everyone else! They don't have any real evidence on me, so they can't do anything about it!"

"No real evidence? Really? What about your records for shoplifting, destruction of property and basic terrible behaviour at school and at home? Hmmm? Isn't that evidence that you are not to be trusted?"

"Oh go fuck yourself!" Frank screamed and ran from the room.

Gee sighed, he felt completely drained. He thought that perhaps pushing Frank was the way to get him to talk but apparently not. He'd have to rethink this.

Gee got up from his chair, turned on the coffee machine and took out a cigarette from his back pocket. He wasn't supposed to smoke in there -or anywhere, he told his family he'd given up a year ago- but he had a stressful job and sometimes nothing else would do, so he'd taken out the batteries from the smoke alarm ages ago. The secretively of it all brought him back to memories of high school. Those were the worst days of his life and smoking wasn't the only thing he did to and numb the pain, all done in secret of course.

The coffee machine was finished and made a click sound, at the same time a click went off in Gee's head. Frank was just like how Gee was back in high school. That's why it bothered him so much that Frank was so shielded, it reminded Gee of himself. Suddenly he knew how to address this; he'd be there for Frank, the way he'd always wished someone was there for him.


Frank burst through the door of Cabin four, walking in on Pete and Kellin grinding on each other on Pete's bed.

"Ugh! Go fuck somewhere else!" he yelled, before throwing himself on his own bed.

"Chill man, we're going, we're going!" Pete said, giggling like a school girl as they left.

Frank felt attacked by Gee and his words. He'd heard them again and again from different people; his parents, his teachers, everyone. Although he hadn't expected them to fall from Gee's mouth and now he didn't want anything to do with the hot councillor. He was just like everyone else. Frank guessed love at first sight must just be for the movies. A feeling of complete loneliness washed over Frank like a tidle wave and the confused and hurt teen did what he'd wanted to do for quite some time. He cried.

Choked, painful sobs and sniffles made Frank short of breath. It was so degrading, to cry like this, like a baby. He wasn't the tough guy he always pretended to be, he was-

A gentle hand landed on his shoulder, knocking his train of thought and causing him to flinch away. He tried to push the person away, like he did with everyone who got too close but the boy was determined and pulled Frank into his arms. Patrick held him close and stoked his back.

"It's okay Frankie, I'm here for you," he soothed. Frank let himself go. He griped onto Patrick's jumper, sobbing vigorously, all pride thrown out the window.

Maybe he wasn't completely alone.

"T-thank you Patrick," he sniffed after about ten minutes. Patrick pulled back a little to see his friend's face. He smiled softly and pushed a stand of fallen hair behind Frank's ear and then...

Patrick kissed him.

Shocker! Am I right? ;D
Comment what you think is going to happen. I've already wrote the start of the next chapter so whoever is close to being correct gets a shout out ;)

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