Part 9: Cold Coffee

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Chapter 9: Cold Coffee

The next three days the whole camp was punished for the ordeal at the running track. Each day started with two hours spent continously writing out the ten commandments. After that the teens had to do chores for hours and hours including scrubbing toilets and unblocking disgusting drains. Then as if they weren't tired enough they had a ten mile run to complete.

Everyone did this except Bob, Ray and Pete. Bob and Ray, who'd set up and guarded the projector, had to spend two days in solatary with nothing but cabbage soup to eat. Nobody knew where Pete had gone. It was most likely he was also in solatary but for longer, although that didn't stop the rumours floating about camp.

Patrick wasn't that worried. He barely heard the rumours, for as from the moment Pete had said those things, Patrick's head was up in the clouds, daydreaming with a permanent smile on his face.

On the forth day everything had gone back to normal except Pete still hadn't reappeared. It was time for counselling and Frank was nervous. Gee had seen Frank steal Brain's walkie talkie yet he didn't do anything, he smiled even. What did that mean? Was Gee on his side? Was he rebelling against his brother? Or did he not want to get Frank in anymore trouble? Whatever it was, Frank wasn't sure if he was brave enough to ask.

He knocked on the counselling door, walked in and flumped down onto the familiar pee - green sofa. He smiled when be saw the glorious mug of black coffee waiting for him on the table.

Gee came in, said 'hello' and sat down on his usual chair. "So, that was quite the stunt Pete pulled yesterday huh?" He grinned.

"Uh, yeah."

"You and him weren't the best of buds before... what changed?" Gee asked. Frank was glad to see Gee hadn't his notebook again, and he assumed he wasn't recording this either. It would be just a friendly conversation, no need to worry.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Well, obviously you and Pete had your issues and yet you stole my colleague's walkie talkie to help him?"

Frank narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Are you trying to get me to confess so you can report me?"

"No Frank, this is completely confidential. You can trust me." Frank wasn't sure if he fully trusted anyone, trust only led to getting hurt.

"I did it for Patrick more than Pete.
But Pete's not that bad, well, not as bad as I thought. I helped him with the plan and while doing so, saw how much he loved Patrick."

"That's... so nice of you." Gee said, a little taken back. "You're a great friend."

"I'm suspicious as to why you haven't asked me if I'm mad about the fact my boyfriend has ditched me to be with another guy? I mean, you knew Pat and I were dating."

Gee looked a little guilty as he confessed that Patrick had filled him in on their plans during his own session. He needed advice and Gee's opinion because he felt so bad about it. It had never occurred to Frank that Patrick would talk about him in his sessions and suddenly felt self conscious. What else had Patrick said about him?

"Please don't be angry with him Frank."

"I'm not. I understand." Frank shrugged.

"Have you always been such a thoughtful friend or has this quality grown since arriving at Redcliff?" Gee asked.

"I don't know," Frank blushed with embarrassment, "I sorta don't have many friends. None that I could call a true friend anyway..."

Gee nodded and stared off into space a moment in a deep train of thought. Until Frank broke it of course.

"What about you? Did you ever have to do anything like that for a friend?" Frank wanted to hear more about Gee, he hated the subect being on himself for too long.

Gee gave a weak smile. "I think I'd be a good friend but... I never had the opportunity to prove it. I was the fat misfit in school, I had no friends. I do have some now, those I met in collage and in my old art classes."

"Sound's lonely," Frank said in a caring voice, "I know how that feels."

"I know you do Frank," Gee whispered.

Frank asked Gee more questions about himself and the two of them became immersed in the world of art and video games, comics and movies. They had heated arguments on who played Batman best in the movies and fought over opinions on games, all of which ended in laughter. But when they got onto the topic of music there was no stopping them.

At one point Gee glanced at the clock on the wall and swore loudly -before immediately apologising for his profanity. They had been talking for over three hours without even noticing. "I'm sorry Frank but you'll have to leave now. I'll see you again tomorrow."

As Frank got up to leave he realised his mug was still filled with the now cold coffee, he'd been so transfixed on their conversations that he had forgotten all about it. He'd forgotten about coffee! The liquid of the heavens he very rarely got here at Redcliff yet he'd forgotten to drink it.

I guess that's just what Gee did to him.

Frank got to the door and having a thought, turned around before leaving and said, "Gerard? You're a great friend."


Patrick sat on his bed chewing his nails anxiously. When was he going to see Pete?! He wanted to see him right now, to tell him how much he loves him. It was nice to be this happy and be lost in thought but one can get tired of thinking, Patrick wanted to talk to Pete and hold him and oh how he wished he could kiss him!

That was it, he couldn't take it any longer. Patrick jumped up and ran to Gee's counselling cabin knowing he could trust him.

Because of his ergency Patrick forgot to knock, he burst in saying, "Mr Way I need to-" He stopped immediately at the sight in front of him.

Gee was hunched over on his chair, one hand on his face and the other clutching tissues. Down his red puffy cheeks, tears flowed fast creating smudgy streaks of guyliner.

He let out a choked gasped when he saw Patrick had barged in on him at this moment of weakness.

"M-mr Way?"

"W-what are you doing here Patrick? Our session isn't until four." Gee rubbed viciously at his face to wipe his shame away.

"I know I-I'm s-sor-ry sir! I came down to ask when Pete was coming back! I... I'll go now sir."

"Wait Patrick!" Gee called out just before he had closed the door. "Please don't tell Frank about this?... I mean! Anyone about this."

"Sure, of course sir... Are you alright?"

Gee forced a weak smile, "Thank you, everything will be... okay. Now, get back to your cabin before anyone catches you wondering about. Oh. And Patrick, Pete comes back tomorrow."

Hope you guys are liking my book :) Please vote and comment, it really makes my day! A special thanks to those who vote on every chapter and frequently show their support, luv ya!!! Xxx

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