Part 14: Homosexual Tendencies, Juvy and Youtube

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Chapter 14: Homosexual Tendencies, Juvy and Youtube

"Why the fuck are you crying Gerard?" Mikey asked sounding exasperated. "You should be happy, your homosexual tendencies finally did some good. Father would be- well, not proud but at least a little less disappointed."

Gerard sat on the fucking ugly pea - green sofa with his head in his hands weeping. "You told me you'd give me five minutes with him before you took him away so I could explain, he thinks I did this for money."

"And we're splitting the money, 50 50, just like I said."

"And I said I didn't want any money, and still don't." Gee snapped back.

"Then why the fuck did you do it? Because I told you he'd have less of a prison sentence? Pfft, you care too much."

That was part of the reason, however Gerard longed for something and had seen this situation as an opportunity to get it. Approval. As pathetic as it sounds that's all he wanted, he was three years too late to get it from his parents, so Mikey was his last option. Although now it was all over and here he sat feeling like complete shit, he realized Mikey cared no more about him than he did for poor Frank. And in these moments of depression, Gee remembered something Frank said:

"You are what you are Gerard, you can't change that."

"Gee, even if the Christian religion is real, do you really think God would let someone as amazing as you go to hell and someone like your father go to heaven?! Fuck no!"

Gerard never actually lied to Frank, all the stories about him as a kid, were all true and the connection he felt with Frank, it was real.

"Here, fix this," Mikey said, tossing the tape onto his lap. "I'd make the alterations myself but... eww."


Frank felt dead inside. He was a walking corpse with no emotions. He was broken, too numb to even cry, meaning all the emotions stayed bottled up.

For three days Frank was kept in a small solitary room, alone with his thoughts. He was scared and had never felt so alone.

While in the middle of his deep existential crisis a guard entered his room on the third day. He was a middle aged man named Phil. "Come on now Iero, it's time for your court case. A lawyer has been provided for you." Phil spoke in a monotone voice, as usual when talking to the criminals he met every day at work, although something flashed across the young delinquent's face that made his heart ache. He didn't act on it though, he didn't know anything about this boy. Frank could be a crazy pychopath/rapest for all he knew and since one had kidnapped the love of his life, Dan, he tried to sustain all sympathy he felt towards prisoners.

"C'mon, we ain't got all day." Phil said in his Northern British accent, nudging him out of the room.

Just a few minutes ago Frank longed to be freed from that solitary room where he had nothing to do but brood over the last few weeks. Now that he was out Frank was trembling, he would've happily spent the rest of his life in that room.

When they got to the courtroom they had to wait outside until they were told to come in. Phil had to do a double take as he saw little glistening beads running down the young boys face. He looked so weak and vulnerable, like he wouldn't, or rather couldn't hurt a fly. He knew he would probably regret it, but Phil had to ask if he was alright. "Hey, kid, if you're innocent everything will be okay, don't worry about it." Frank let out a strangled moan and Phil handed him a tissue.

"Thanks." Frank mumbled, although it really hadn't helped, he wasn't innocent after all.

The court room doors opened and Frank's heart stopped as he walked up the isle to his doom.

It was a quick, the judge had the all the evidence and Frank was simply sent to Juvy for two monthes until he turned 18, then he'd be transported to jail. Frank didn't say a single word, not even when the judge asked him any questions. His father was there of course, with his nose in the air. Frank didn't look up much, so he didn't know if Gerard was there and he prended not to care... but of course he did.

Phil had listened to Frank's case and was intreged. Frank was no psycho or rapest or murderer, he was just a kid who felt he deserved some revenge and made some bad choices. Most of all he reminded Phil of his dear Dan.

Phil was driving Frank to Juvy in the van, he was thankful they were alone because he wanted to talk to one on one with him. "Frank," he began, using a soft caring voice, "I'll not let anyone hurt you, alright? From what I can see, you don't deserve this. If you need anything come ask me."

Anyone else reading The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire? Well, I am and it's so awesome!! I'm a huge fan of youtubers so, yeah, that's why AmazingPhil was featured in this chapter, it was just a spur of the moment type thing lol. Xx

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