Chapter 13

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We hung out with Lucy Mila and the FDA crew apparently our teachers danced together when they were kids! That's so crazy! It's basically destiny that we all met. Chloe's being a bit of a bragger but it's okay I can just tune her out. We get back to the ballroom at 7:25 and sit back down.

"Can all the competitors in competition 12, Girls under 8, please come side stage?" A man says into the microphone. All us Me and Mia. as well as the FDA girls, shriek when we hear that. It's time for our awards! Eek! Well all slip on our dresses and shoes, me, Mia and Lucy all put on our hard shoes, and head backstage together. The anxiety is so thick you can feel it when you walk back stage. Could the following girls come onstage please?" The announcer asks. Me and Mia relax at a fimilar voice. He's done our results for all of our awards

"Ugh this is the top 10." Mia whispers to me because I guess I had a confused look on my face. We all turn to look at Mila because she's the only one here with any chance to really make it into the top 10.

"Numbers 102," Screams could be heard from the audience and I watch as a girl with a blonde wig runs onstage.
"124, 136, 149, 151, 156, 163, 178, 182, 196, and 212." We all scream when we hear Mila's number called out. She runs onstage to join the other top 10 dancers. After they play some really cool reel music for a few moments and the ten dancers are led offstage, the rest of us are brought onstage. We all hold hands and wait as the first number is called out. Nobody wants to get last in the recall... We all relax when it's not us. 

"We have a tie for 54th place. Competitors number 101, Morgan Callaghan from The Pickett School, and 199, Kylie Brown from the Francis O'Donnell School." Aww Kylie... But hey she didn't get last which is what we all wanted. We all clear top 50.

"In 49th place, Competitor number 209, Chloe Ferguson from The Francis O'Donnell Academy."
Oh wow she looks really upset but it's her first oireachtas. We listen to the numbers and Mias explaining to Lucy about NANS. "In 34th place is competitor number 142, Julia Matthewson from the Kelly Doyle School. The remaining competitors have qualified for the North American Irish Dance Championships in 2016!" Me and Lucy and Mia look at each other and scream. I finally get to go to NANS because Mia qualified too. I look out into the audience and Razz and Miss Kelly are doing a crazy happy dance and I think my mom is crying!

"In 33rd place is competitor number 211, Mia Peterson from the O'Larry Wells Academy of Irish Dance." Yeesh she qualified but barely... Hey she qualified.
"In 30th place, number 103, Jessica Findlay from the Morton Hughes School."
"We're top 30!! Ava, we're in the top 30! Can you believe it!" Lucy turns to me and says
"No I can't! We're doing so well! I never thought I'd do this well!" I screech. We keep hugging and holding hands. I've just only met her and it looks like we've been best friends our whole life. She was originally Mias new friend and now we're the only two left.

"Alright now no matter what I get, I'm fine with because I've already done better than I ever thought I would! I bet I'm gonna be called in the next 5 though." Lucy says
"Same! I thought I would be like late 30s, early 40s!"
Then we make top 25! We're so close to top 20 when "In 22nd place we have competitor number 132, Lucy Collins from the Francis O'Donnell Academy."
"YAY LUCY" I think. I squeeze her hand one last time before she goes over to get her medal and box.

They're called out 20th place and it's not me!
I MADE TOP 20!!!! I'm so excited I could cry. I think I'm gonna get like 18th though. The announcer calls out 19th... Not me.
18th... Not me.
17th... Not me.
16th... Not me!

"Let's hear it for our top 15!" I cover my face with my hands when I hear this to try and stop crying. I'm so happy!
Me and the other 4 girls are brought out to the center of the stage as they wait to be called out. We all hug and hold hand
"In 15th place is number 177." I  look over at Lucy about to cry. I see her mouth move then hear a faint "Go Ava!" Over the cheers for 177. "In 14th place is number..." I think in that moment I zone out because I don't remember my name being call I just find myself standing next to the girl who got 16th and the girl who got 12th. I leans forward to see Lucy and mouth, "What the heck?! I never thought I'd do this well. They're bringing out the top 10 and Mila comes on stage.
"GO MILA" I yell over all the cheers for them. 
Could the following dancers step out please? Numbers 102, 124, 163, 178, 182, and 212." OMIGOD MILAS IN THE TOP 5!!!

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