Chapter Three

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aaaaand surprise surprise an annoying a/n at the end wow I'm sorry pls read anyway

I was walking down the street after work by myself, staring at my phone while texting Kellin. He wanted to meet up again. In my other hand I held a still unopened can of beer.

Out of nowhere, I just dropped it and groaned in annoyance. As I went to pick it up, someone slapped my ass. I turned around and wasn't surprised to see my co-worker Felix there, smirking at me.

"Can you not?!", I hissed and he just chuckled, stepping closer.
"You have a nice ass, has anyone ever told you that?" I rolled my eyes at his comment, "Leave me the fuck alone."

"What? I was complimenting your ass, is that a crime?" I laughed quietly, "It's called sexual harassment."

"Please just give me your number and I'll leave you alone.", he begged for the hundredth since I had met him. "Ugh fine.", I finally gave in, typing my number into his phone, "Now fuck off."

He grinned triumphantly and winked at me before walking away in the opposite direction.

When I got home and my phone connected to te wifi, I immediately received a text from Felix.

If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?

I groaned in annoyance. Now he was demonstrating exactly why I didn't want him to have my number.

A few minutes later, when I was sitting on the couch with Jaime he sent me a picture of him licking an Oreo and a message saying "I wanna lick your filling"

Jaime looked at my phone and burst out laughing, "Oh my god, I am so done. Where even has that bastard been? I haven't seen him around in ages!"
I shrugged, "Hopefully really far away from here."

My phone vibrated again and I wanted to ignore it but Jaime snatched it from my hands and looked at the text,  "If I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you and me together.", he read out loud.

"That doesn't even make sense!", I exclaimed and face-palmed, "Please help me."

Jaime kept laughing, "It's 'u' and 'I'! He's such an idiot!"


"Vic?", I heard the door slam shut and Jaime calling out for me. "Yeah?", I yell back.
"I need to introduce you to someone."

I put the show I was watching on pause and wait for what's about to come. Jaime stepped into the room, a relatively tall girl with dark brown curly hair, dark eyes and black glasses standing next to him. She looked Hispanic or something. Well, let's just say she was not white.

"Uh, this is Karin, my girlfriend. Karin, this is Vic, my best friend and roommate."
I smiled, "Nice to meet you." She looked a bit awkward standing there, but gave a small smile and wave. She seemed nice. 

"We'll be in my room", Jaime informs me, dragging her away from the living room.
"Save the fucking for when I'm not home, please!", I shouted after them, earning a "fuck you" from Jaime.

Then I went right back to texting Kellin.

Tomorrow at three?


a/n; this seems like a boring filler but trust me everything that happened in this chapter happened for a reason

[insert maniacal laugh here]

Anyway I'm glad you guys seem to enjoy this so far and oh my god 10k views on in reality I can't cope thank you all so much

I recently got an actually really original idea for a new fic and I decided that it's gonna be Cashby. I've written the first three chapters already although I'm not gonna publish until this book is over. It's going to be called Blue Coffee Mugs and the Agoraphobic. Does that spark your interest? Would anyone read?

Thanks and

I love youuuu

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