Hey, please read c:

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Hey ho hello it me

Yes I know I'm a horrible person, this was a horrible story and I'm really sorry.

Now that we've settled that, let's focus on some other stuff.

First of all, I want to thank you all for being so loyal and patient and amazing and yeah you're all great. Thank you so much.

Then - I'm currently writing:
- a Fransykes called "How To Be a Gentleman"
- a Cashby called "Blue Coffee Mugs and the Agoraphobic"
- a Jalex called "Swim" (it's on a short hold until I figure out how to continue it)

So yeah, read those if you want? Idk I promise they're better than this was lmao


so, I have like a million story ideas and I wanted to ask you what you think I should write first (after finishing the Fransykes and cashby) BEWARE: MY TITLES MIGHT BE A LITTLE TOO CREATIVE
-> "Opposites Attract"
a cashby in which Austin is a high school dropout and is now a really famous boxer and Alan is all innocent and they meet because Alan's friends like boxing and stuff
-> "The Smell of Sunscreen"
a cashby in which Austin is a famous actor and accidentally sends an email to the wrong address (it's gonna be great I am excited)
-> "The Great Escape"/ "The Book" (I can't decide yet)
a kellic in which Kellin and Vic are trapped inside a book
-> "Letters"
a kellic in which Kellin keeps receiving anonymous letters with mysterious questions he is supposed to answer
-> "LA Ink"
a perrentes in which Mike is a tattoo artist and Tony has a horrible tattoo which he thinks was a mistake and gets into the show "LA Ink" to get it covered up and they meet blah blah
-> "Schizophrenia"
a jalex in which Jack has schizophrenia and randomly shows up at Alex's house
-> "Just Juvie
a cashby in which Austin and Alan meet in juvie. Austin is in there because of a misunderstanding and Alan is really badass
-> "3:47am"
a perrentes I can't really explain?? It's like Tony and Mike are neighbors and Tony is kinda obsessed with Mike in a cute way and he always hears him upstairs and one day they talk and stuff yeah.

Again; Thanks for reading, you're all great!

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