Chapter Eleven

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-a few days later-

Kellin had tried to called me a lot during the passed few hours, but now he wasn't picking up his phone.

I didn't know if I was overreacting, or had a genuine reason to be worried about him. I mean, there was nothing indicating that we was not okay, but I was just really protective over him - especially since he was so distressed after his father's death. He wasn't quite himself.

I decided to call him one more time, then go over to his hotel.

Of course, that was exactly when he picked up.
"Vic? Oh, fucking finally, why haven't you been answering?"
"Uh, I've been trying to call you back, but you never answered. Anyway, what's up?" He sighed, "I... I have an idea. We need to talk about it, though. I mean, really talk about it. You have to agree, and maybe do some... Uh, final stuff before-"

"Okay, wait. Hold up. What the fuck are you even going on about?"
"I don't really want to tell you this over the phone... But I- I want to leave. Like, leave leave."

"Leave as in, run away?", I asked. "Yeah."

"Kellin, we're not rebellious teenagers anymore... We can't just run a-", I was cut off by my own, painful cough, "We can't just run away like that. I'm trying to get a steady, fairly well-paying job, so that I can maybe afford my own apartment if Jaime moves out... I- we can't do that. I haven't even started the actual life yet... Why should we run away?"

There was a slight pause, "Why shouldn't we?"
"Kellin, I just explained that to you.", I said.
"Come on, since when are you so stuck up? You're talking like an old man, Vic. We're young, our opportunities are endless. I'm so sick of everything being the same, I have no reason to stay."

"But I do, Kellin. My best friend is here. He needs me. He really does, and to be honest, I need him too. I will miss my brother. What about my family? I have responsibilities."

"I know you do. But- Just please? I really need to get out of here. I'm going insane. The whole stress with my dad and my mom and Avery here and Avery there..."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry but, I can't. I just... can't. I can't. Running away is a cowardly thing to do and you know it. Please don't make and rushed decisions. I lo-", I cleared my throat awkwardly, "I love you and I want you to be happy... But just- please think about this."

"You're boring.", Kellin grumbled.
"I might be boring, but I care about you. I really do."

"I know. I'm sorry. Sorry. I should probably go to bed. Night, Vic."

"Night, Kells. Talk to you later."

He hung up. What the hell was happening? Why did Kellin even consider running away an option? I mean, we had to think ahead now. We had to take care of ourselves, by ourselves. Our actions had serious consequences, and we couldn't just ignore that. It was a fact.

I was tired. Honestly, I had been tired all the time. No amount of sleep could make me feel awake, it was weird, I was just constantly exhausted.

I went to the bathroom and found my pills, taking two with a gulp of water. I hated swallowing pills, it was such an ew feeling. But it was for my health and safety, so I guess I could live with swallowing some pills twice a day.

I changed into an old shirt and sweatpants, before crawling into bed. I closed my eyes, just hoping for sleep to come. It didn't, though. I couldn't even put my mind to rest enough to not turn around in bed every few seconds.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Kellin had said. I was worried. What had even given him this stupid idea? I was honestly hoping he wasn't entirely serious about his plan, but I couldn't be sure. The only thing I was pretty certain about, was that he wouldn't leave by himself, and that thought comforted me somewhat. At least, there would be someone with him, to help him and just be there for him. Kellin needed someone, I knew he did.

He had always been a person that wasn't very good by themselves. That was okay, though. I was more than happy to help him with whatever he needed help with. He was my best friend/crush/ex-boyfriend. Our relationship was strange, and I didn't know what to think about it.

I really could not leave with Kellin, I just couldn't. What if Mike needed me some time? Where would I be? Gone off to somewhere with Kellin? Living off savings for weeks and sleeping in the cheapest motels we could find in the middle of nowhere?

No, I couldn't do that. What if Jaime needed me? Oh, Jaime. I loved him so much, he was the best, the absolute best. I couldn't leave him like that, he would've been devastated. I needed to be there for the rest of my family, too.

If something happened to my parents, or grandparents and I wasn't there - oh god, I wouldn't ever forgive myself. It was impossible for me to leave, and I seriously didn't know how Kellin could even think of that.

Didn't he want to see Avery graduate? Didn't he want to beat up any boy that hurt her? Didn't he want to see her get married, and have children?

As much as he denied it, I know that Kellin loved Avery. He loved her so much. He wanted her to be safe and happy, the only thing that kept him from showing that was his mom. His mom, admittedly was a weird bitch. But you don't get to choose your family, right? You just have to live with whatever you're given, and usually, no matter how stupid or annoying they are, or how much they hurt you - on the end of the day you still love them.

[GUYS HI. ITS BEEN WAY OVER A MONTH YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO STAB ME. I'm sorry, I really am but I just want to get this story over with it's so horrible lmao. Yeah anyway. Go read my one-shot book, my Cashby (blue coffee mugs and the agoraphobic) and my FRANSYKES (how to be a gentleman) bc why not and please tell me how it is bc personally I can't really tell. Yeah. I love you guys.]

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